Chapter 15

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{a/n: theres going to be only certain areas in the previosly part kinda like a movie trailer. I reworded it to make it sound better.}


"Im moving to Great britain." Caleb says to me. "And im really really sick." 

"How sick?" I aske him. 

"I have cancer!" Caleb says letting a tear fall. 

As soon as he said it i hit the ground in tears. "When do you leave?" I said looking up with tears running down my face. 

"Two weeks." He says sadly. 

"Then are we over?" I ask. "Yes. I dont think we have a choice" 

.... I watched as he rode on his skateboard out of eyesight. 

I sat there for hours crying with my head on my lap and hugging my knees. 


Hazelles POV

I finally gain the strength to get up. So i get up and go to  my room and lock my door.  I flop down on my bed and went on my laptop and pull facebook up. Once my facebook was loaded i posted, 'I just found out news that will forever change my emotional state. Caleb no matter what happens i will always be here for you. I love you and even though we broke up i will be forever there for you baby." 

I tagged him in the post and within the next three minutes i had 50 likes and one comment. 

I didnt care about who liked the post i imediately just went to see what Caleb had commented. This is what the comment read; "😭 Hazelle. I still love you and always will love you. But you know the news is hard and i dont want to hurt you. I didnt want to break up. We are still forever friends. " 

He said some more stuff and it sent me back into my state of deppression. I posted one more time and changed my status to single but not searching before i shit my laptop off. I shoved my laptop away and just layed there sobbing into my pillow. 

My mom walks in within 10 minutes from the room key she and dad have. 

Hazelles Moms POV

"Hazelle. Honey? Dinners ready." I say to my daughter. 

"Not hungry mom. " she says not even moving. It sounds like shes crying. 

"Sweetheart whats wrong?" I asked my daughter shutting the door. I walk over and sit on her bed.

Hazelle lays there for a few minutes  after i sat on the edge the bed before sitting up. 

"Calebs moving to Great Brittan. And on Top of that hes got cancer. We broke up." She states sobbing.  I look at my daughter sitting there hugging a pillow and crying. I honestly have no idea what to say. I decided to just hug her for a couple minutes before saying anything. 

"Sweetheart. i know its hard to go through your first heart break." I pause before continuing. I started to debate if i should tell her that i bought her and her friends tickets to go see one of their favorite bands, R5, now or wait till when i was originally gonna tell her. I Decided to wait till dinner. 

"everything will be okay. I promise. Are you and Caleb still friends?" I ask trying my best to reassure my baby girl. I hate seeing her cry. 

Hazelle's POV

"Yes mom. We are going to stay friends. What if he dies? What if Chemo- therapy doesnt work? "  I asked my mom as i stopped crying and started getting extremely scared and worried. 

"Honey dont think like that. Be happy for the time together you have had as boyfriend and girlfriend. And as friends. Besides he might make it through." My mom tries to calm me down. Surprisingly it helped. "Be down for dinner in 5 minutes. Ill go so you can clean up. I have to go get your sister in her high chair." She continued before walking out my room. 

"Ok Thank you mom. For everything." I call after her. "Anything for my daughters!" She called back.

I created a group with Lizzy, V-Lu, Jazzie, and Hanna on my phone. I texted saying,

"Skype me and i will explain everything. Ill let you know when to call me I have to go eat dinner." They all tested back okay. 

I read their texts and then went to go clean the tear stains off my face before going down to join my family at the dinner table. 

Love You Till The End #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now