Chapter 1

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                I'm sitting in my room listening to R5's new cd Sometime Last Night. Did You Have Your Fun comes on and i start dancing and singing along with it, when my cell phone rings. Thinking it's my mom, I answer it without checking my caller id. It turned out to be some 1-800 number wanting to see if i was around to take a survey. So I said, "Sorry, she's not here.", and hung up. At least I have unlimited text call and web i thought as I started the cd over again because it had ended. I continue dancing around and singing along to it, keeping my volume on the stereo down so i could hear my phone when it rang. 

              Still jamming out to Sometime Last Night, I here my laptop make a noise. So I sat down to see that i had received a Facebook message from my boyfriend. "Hey Beautiful <3 <3 ;)" I read. AWWE, I just love the way my boyfriend greets me. I replied, "Well hello there handsome! How is your day going?" "Better now that I'm talking to you babe." he sent back. Isn't that just adorable! I have the best boyfriend in the world! My boyfriend, Caleb, is just the sweetest boyfriend that any girl could ask for. "Babe that is so sweet!" i sent back. "Hazelle baby I have to go can we talk later?" "Sure Caleb. We can talk later." Caleb and I have been dating for two weeks, but we have known each other for awhile. I remember when we met in music camp, but ill fill you in on that later. 

             My facebook messages goes of again, but this time it's Jasmine wanting to know if we can hang out. "Yo Hazelle what you doing today?" "Nothing at the moment, Jasmine. Hbu?" I send back. "Nothing, just wanted to know if you'd like to go catch a movie with me?" Jasmine, like me, loves to go to the movie theaters. So, when my phone rang and I saw it was my mom; so i answered it and asked if i could go! My mom approved, so she told me what else she had to say and we hung up. "Yeah I'd love to go to the movies! What we going to go see?" I sent back to answer her. "Minions. Do you want regular or 3D?" "Really Jaz? I thought you'd know me better by now, saying we've been friends since we were kids. 3D!!!!"

            After the movies Jasmine and I ran into Caleb. I said flirtatiously, "Caleb!". "Hazelle" Caleb replied raising his eyebrows.  Jasmine looks at me and says, "Hazelle, what was all that about?" "What was what about?" "You and Caleb." "Oh Caleb. Jaz It was nothing we just went to music camp a couple summers ago." "Hmmmm Suuuure!" Jaz says teasing me. I never told anyone about us. Caleb hadn't either. We don't want anyone to know we are dating. To be honest I never even told anyone i had feelings for him. "JASMINE!!!! THERE iS NOTHING GOING ON!" "Yall are dating arent you!" "NO!!!" I swore. "Okay whatever you say." She replies. "Hey, Im gonna run to the restroom to fix my make up ill be out in a few minutes Jaz." "Okay." 

           I run to the restroom. I locked the door once i got because of stalls and i didnt want anyone to hear my conversation. I pulled out my cell phone and called Caleb. Caleb looks down at his phone and says to his friends, "Hey guys ill be right back." He walks away answering my call. "Hey babe. What's up?" "Okay i was going to call you later but Jasmines on to us." "What do you mean shes on to us? You didn't tell anyone did you?" "No Caleb I promise i didn't. That's why im calling! I'm supposed to spend the night at her house tonight and she'll tease and tackle me about you til i open up. She wont if you let me tell her and make her promise she wont tell. So can I tell her?" "Sure but make sure she dont tell anyone. PLease Hazelle." He agrees to let me tell her. "Thanks Babe! I will make sure she wont tell anyone else. I gotta go before she breaks the bathroom door down. Love You!!" "Love you too Hazelle talk later." I leave the bathroom and walked back to where Jaz was standing. "Im back." I said shoving the phone into my purse. "We still on for sleepover tonight?" I asked. "Home-girl you know it!! We never missed sleepover week-end!" Jaz says to me. That's what i thought she'd say. "Then can we go so i can get my stuff. My mom and brother and sister arent home, so wed be able to get everything without interruptions."  I tell her in a rush so my family wont be able to hear me tell her. 

       As we walked in the house, I said, "Ok so there's something i want to tell you, but....". "Its got something to do bout Caleb doesn't it?" Jaz interrupts me. "Yes, Jasmine, but you have to promise you wont tell anyone and by any one i mean not a single soul. Not even your parents, or Hanna and Violet." "Ok, I promise." "Prove it. Lets do our promise to keep it secret hand shake." So we did our promise to keep it secret handshake, and went to go get the stuff i need to bring to the sleepover. "Jaz, you were right. There is something going on between me and Caleb." I tell her. "HA I FUCKING KNEW IT!! So what's going on between you two?" "Jaz, we're dating!" I said excitedly. "No you're not. You would have told us." She ssaid not wanting to believe it. "Yes we are! I wouldn't lie bout something like this. Well unless I'm pranking someone but i'm not I promise." "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!" "Jaz we just wanted to see if it was worth anything. Like if it could last, longer than a couple dates before we told anyone." I replied. "How long has it been?" She asks. "2 weeks. We were just waiting we wanted to tell our friends at the same time. Possibly at that party we are all going to next week." "Okay, well we should get going, or we are going to miss the best part of dad's bbq tonight." Jasmine says. "Wait. Your dad's bbq out on the grill tonight? Sweet I love it when he grills out on sleepover weekend!" 

         We arrive at Jasmines house, after picking up Violet and Hanna, just in time. Her dad was just starting to put the hot dogs on the grill. On grill nights, Jasmine's dad always makes hot dogs, cheeseburgers cheese optional, and bbq pork ribs. You can pick whatever you want out of the sides Jaz's mom made. You literally eat so much you won't be hungry again til bout lunch or dinner the next day. They even play awesome bands; like Nickleback, R5, 5Seconds of Summer, Joan Jett, Nirvanna, Pat Benatar, etc. Then while we are all dancing, her dad shoots off fireworks. When we were all done eating Jasmine, Violet, Hanna, and I all run to her room and change into one of our cutest pjs and start playing spin the bottle. After a few rounds of spin the bottle, we lay around telling stories and talk about boys. Then we did each others hair and make up, to make us look like different celebrities. When we were done we had to do an impression of the celebrity we were made as and had to make the other team guess which celeb we were impersonating. After awhile we made popcorn and gathered a bunch of snacks and sat down to watch chic flicks and comedy movies, until everyone fell asleep in our sleeping bags. First Night of sleepover was fun and time for a nice beauty rest before tomorrows fun day. 

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