Our Curse

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Do you know how this all started it all started 666 B.C. The day I was created with my twin R. We weren't called demons back then we were called, as much as this pains me to say we were called fairys we were creatures with immense powers that granted wishes, back then we looked more like people but then a group of man became jealous of our powers. That was when the mass genicide occurred our numbers went from over 9 million to a mere 1000 that's when I became in charge and that's when we took the fight to them. Man realized they couldn't kill us so they cursed us with three things 1. We had to live off the souls of mortals forever 2. We could only feel love and attachment once in our lives 3. We will be hated and feared forever. He started by burning all previous records before that then he re wrote them in the forum of a book called the bible which dictated that we were monsters, we did get our revenge but it couldn't un do what had been done. Luckily for us not everyone adopted the belief of the bible like the Asians which is the reason there records are the most accurate of demons or Shinagomi, and is also the reason we respect them and they respect us. It was hard after that souls were hard to get so only the strongest and smartest survived which was me and R. That's why most demons don't like the mortals especially me but at the same time I understand that we got our revenge and these mortals are not responsible for our suffering. But still many demons hate mortals and want to kill them all but the reason I stop them is cause without the mortals we all die, and when we die we don't go to heaven or hell we go to oblivion or the void. The best way to describe the void is like when u shot off a video game the character in the game doesn't exist anymore he doesn't remember he isn't sleeping he's just nothing. Chimera love is more then human love it's more powerful then that it's like we have something were willing to live let alone go to oblivion for, that's why demons care so much for there chimeras cause it's the only thing they've loved in there whole life.....

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