I did as such and held the phone in my hand, biting my lip.

"I know this is probably really unexpected and I'm sorry, but I wanted to talk to you about this whole Ashton situation." She said and I raised my eyebrows while Luke threw his hands in the air dramatically.

"What Ashton situation?" I asked, still being polite.

"Well about how he and I used to date." She said.

"I really don't mean to rude, but I don't see how that concerns me."

"It concerns you because it was supposed to be Ashton and I who ended up together, not him and some random nobody from an island in the middle of nowhere." Her voice suddenly became dark and hateful.

"Well I'm sorry life didn't work out like you planned." I said.

"Don't patronise me." She growled.

"Listen Jenna, I don't know you, but I really am sorry, I know life can treat people badly at times."

"You know nothing about life." She fired back.

"I know more than you think." I sighed.

Both Calum and Luke were staring at me with wide eyes.

"Just leave Ashton alone and let him see who he really wants more."

"Oh Jenna," I sighed, "I feel sorry for you, I really do. Whatever made you so bitter and spiteful must've really hurt you. But I hope you find the person who you're meant to spend forever with like I have with Ashton. Everyone deserves to find their Prince Charming and I know you'll find him someday. But anyways, I hope you have a nice day." I said before hanging up the phone.

"What a bitch." Luke said and I shrugged.

"Whatever, I'm so done." I dropped my phone onto the counter.

"You did good there Car, really held your own." Calum commented and I gave him a shy smile.

"Can I ask you guys a question, and I don't mean to pry?"

They nodded.

"What was it like when Ashton dated Jenna?"

Luke sighed.

"Not fun. She was nice at first but then she started to get rude and mean and treated Ashton horribly. I think he thought he could change her and that's why he stayed so long, but finally he'd had enough of her and broke it off."

"Did he um, did he love her?" I asked nervously.

"I don't think so, but if he did it didn't last long. Definitely not like how he loves you. You're his whole freaking world."

I smiled.

"Well he's mine too."

"Don't let Jenna worry you, she'll stop eventually." Calum assured me.

"Ashton just texted me and said to block her number and that you did the right thing." Luke added and I gave him a cheeky smile and a thumbs up before finishing cleaning up the kitchen.

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