ONE : alive again

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.:Alive Again:.

To say I was surprised that I was brought back to life is an understatement. A few months ago, I ran away from home on a whim to be with some delinquent. We did stupid things, mostly because we were hammered all the time, but anyways, one night, he dared me to go streaking in the neighborhood we were in. I did just that, I stripped all of my clothes and ran across the road, but I was a deer in the headlights when the car hit me.

I was in the hospital for days in a coma. I ended up never waking up from it, but I could tell it took a toll on my two brothers, which were the only family I had left. Exactly one month after my death I could feel something pulling at me on the other side.

I don't exactly remember my transfer over back onto Earth, but here I am, laying on a plush bed that was not mine.

"You damn idiots." I mumbled to myself. I glanced at myself in the mirror across the room. When I was living I had flowing dark blonde, almost brown hair and tan skin. Now, I have pale skin and long, wavy brown hair. My eyes stayed the same though, deep green eyes. I had my brother Dean's eyes, I also had his sassiness. I get my logic from Sam though.

Slowly, I stood up. I glanced around the room and guessed I was in a random hotel room. That's the downside of having hunters for brothers, you're always moving around. That's the reason I ran away from home because Dean and Sam wanted me to join in on the "family business".

"Saving people, hunting things, the family business." That's what my dad used to always say, but I guess I get my personality from my mom since she never wanted to be a hunter either. All of a sudden a door opened from the other side of the hotel room.

"Nice job today with that vampire Sam." The familiar husky voice of my brother Dean said as he entered the door.

"What the hell did you two do?!" I shouted. Sam and Dean's eyes bolted up to me. Shock was obvious on their faces, but then their faces held bright, briliant smiles.

"Isabel!" They both said in unison. They ran over to me and each gave me a bone crushing hug.

"We missed you baby sis." Sam mumbled into my hair.

"Get away from me and tell me what you two did!" I shouted at them. Dean sighed and Sam shook his head. I gasped. "You two didn't sell your souls did you?" I murmmered.

"No, we didn't, we have way too much history doing that!" Dean said.

"Good, then how in the hell did you pull me back down to Earth?!"

"Issy, can you just be happy you're here?" Sam asked me. I shook my head angrily and turned away from them.

"No, I can't because i don't want you two doing stupid things to save me!" I yelled. They both seemed a little taken aback.

"We didn't pull you down, a friend of ours did." Dean answered.

"Who? Oh God, don't tell me you got Bobby to sell his sould to save me!" I shrieked. I couldn't stand the idea of my "uncle", who is also a hunter, to sacrafice his life to save me.

"No, a new friend, here, we'll show you him." Dean replied. "Castiel, come meet our new sister." He smiled and in a flash a handsome man in a trench coat was standing in front of me. I gasped. He was truly good looking. His eyes were a bright blue, his hair was perfectly tousled and a deep brown, and his smiled was a dazzling white.

"Who are you?" I whispered a little shocked, "or should I ask what are you?"

"I'm Castiel, an angel of the Lord." He sent me a smile and I almost melted. I looked over to Dean who was giving me a funny look and then to Sam who was trying not to laugh at me. There was something extremely familiar about his eyes...

"You pulled me down from Heaven?"

"Yes Isabel, I did. By the way you're heaven, very strange." I blushed brightly. My heaven was full of parties, booze, and fun. Being eighteen that's all I knew how to do since I never wanted to become a hunter.

"Come on Issy, we'll tell you what we've been doing since you've been gone." Sam took my hand and led me to a couch in the hotel room. "Where should we start?"

"From when I was in a coma."


Yes, it's short, but I promised @NicoleCollinsxx that I wouldn't change the story! I'm the new proud owner of 'Isabel Winchester'!

So, if you would follow me or add this story to your library, the story will be updated by me! Nicole told me she'll be taking down the story on her account once I post the seven parts she wrote! (Which will be soon!) well thanks for reading!

The song on the side is part of a Supernatural playlist I found that will feature a song every part! :)


(Isabel on the side)

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