Chapter 21 Battle For Crystaldon

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Rhett, Link, and Puriel were on their way up the hidden staircase. When they reached the top, Puriel looked to her home beyond the woods. She gasped loudly and turned to her friends.

"Rhett, Link, the battle has started! We need to help!" Puriel said in a frenzied voice.

She pulled out their swords from her backpack and unsheathed hers. She began to run down the pathway. Rhett and Link carefully followed behind her. Puriel greatly regretted wasting so much time reliving her childhood with Rhett and Link. Her people were dying, and she was not there to help them. She ran as fast as she could, leaving Rhett and Link in her dust. As she approached, she noticed the sun was getting dimmer and dimmer. They must have been losing. She looked back to Rhett and Link, but they were no where to be found.

"Puriel, slow down! Where is she?!" Link called out.

"I don't know, but we know the way. I can't believe we're actually going into battle. Stick with me, Link. We can't get separated if we wish to remain alive," Rhett said as they ran through the woods.

Puriel had reached the battle field and was fighting to the best of her ability. A Krax approached her and swung a club at her. She flung around and cut off its head. She saw a young girl huddled up in a corner, hiding from a Krax. It approached her and grabbed its sword, ready to kill the little elf. Puriel ran forward and cut its back. It screamed and turned around. It swung its sword at her and she blocked it. The Krax was pushing the sword closer and closer to her face. She tried to push it away, but he was too strong. Instead, she moved her sword and jumped out of the way at the same second, just missing the blade. She grabbed the little girl and ran with her to the castle gates. She quickly pushed her through the small opening the guard made.

"Get to the innermost part of the castle, little one," she said before running off to the battle again.

Rhett and Link approached the battle cautiously. Link gulped and nervously looked up at Rhett.

"We have to go, Link. We promised we would help after Volitha saved you. We can't break that promise. If I die, go on without me. Go home. Tell them... I don't know... make something up. I love you, brother," Rhett said and hugged Link.

"I love you too, Rhett," Link said and returned the hug.

They pulled away and took a deep breath.

"Let's go," Rhett said and began to run towards a nearby Krax.

He swung his sword at it, injuring the creature's arm. It cried out and swung its sword at him. He dodged it and stabbed the Krax in the chest. It fell to the ground and Rhett pulled his now bloodstained sword out of it. Link had encountered a few Krax. They were all slowly approaching him. He stabbed one, but another prepared its sword to kill Link. Rhett saw this and dived for the creature. He landed on its back and stabbed it in the back of the head. It coughed up blood and slumped over. Link slashed the third ones throat.

"Thanks, Rhett. I would have been dead if it weren't for you," Link said.

"Of course. Heads up, there's one behind you!" Rhett shouted.

Link turned around and began to attack it. They were doing pretty well for their first battle.

Puriel was surrounded by five Krax. She whispered a spell and suddenly, a blue light burst out with a ripple affect. All the Krax in a one hundred foot radius fell over, dead. She started breathing heavily. It was a very useful spell, but it was physically exhausting. She took a deep breath and ran up to an elf who was trying to kill several Krax at once. She looked closer and realized it was Volitha. She hurriedly attacked the creatures, killing left and right. Volitha grabbed at her heart and fell to the ground.

"Volitha, what is wrong?" Puriel asked and knelt next to her sister.

She looked at her hand and noticed blood gushing from her chest.

"Puriel, I was stabbed, I'm dying. You must be queen. Rule well, dear sister," Volitha said and grabbed Puriel's hand.

"No, no I won't let you. Volitha, you're the queen, I could never rule this kingdom! I'm not ready. I'll give you my life. Whatever I have left, I'll give to you. Please accept it, dearest sister," Puriel said, sobbing.

"No, Puriel, my time is over. Do not give up your life for me, Volitha said weakly.

Puriel placed her other hand on her sister's.

"I'm transferring my life to you. Whatever time you had left, will be what I have," Puriel said.

She closed her eyes and began to whisper the spell. Link ran over and stopped when he saw what was happening. He watched curiously, unsure of what was happening. Once the spell was said, a bright light went from Puriel to Volitha. Then, another light from Volitha went into Puriel. Puriel cried out in pain. Volitha gasped and shot up.

"Sister, no. I can't reverse it. Why? I told you not to!" Volitha said with tears in her eyes.

"You are the queen, not me. I could never be. Have a good life, Volitha. I love you," Puriel said.

Link ran over. He was still confused, but he knew Puriel was dying. Volitha stood up and screamed in anger and sadness. She shouted a spell and suddenly, the few Krax remaining cried out and died. There was cheering from the elves. Volitha ran off to the castle, crying horribly. Link knelt down next to Puriel. She was crying softly.

"Puriel, what's wrong? What's happening?" Link said, sounding terrified. He grabbed her small, cold hand.

"Link, Volitha was dying. I used magic to switch our lifespans. I'm dying. Link, do not be sad. I am an elf, you are a human. It was not meant to be. You will go home soon and you will find someone. That someone will be perfect for you, and you'll forget all about me. Link, even if we didn't have long together, you made me happier than I've ever been and I love you so much. I will always love you, Link," Puriel said even weaker sounding than before. She grabbed at her neck and pulled off a necklace. It was plain, dark brown cord with a large diamond hanging from it. "My parents gave this to me when I was born. I've worn it everyday since, I want you to have it. Keep it safe and remember me."

Link was sobbing. He quickly grabbed the necklace as it began to fall. Puriel's grasp was gone. She was gone. He pulled her head up to his chest and kissed the top of her head. He sobbed and sobbed. Rhett ran over and realized what happened. He put his arm around Link and gave him a tight side hug. He began to cry too, but not as much as Link. Link pulled himself together and picked Puriel up. He carried her lifeless body to the castle. He was let in by the guards. They appeared to be wiping tears from their eyes. The elves were happy they won the battle against the Krax, but were sorrowful about the death of the princess. Link carried her to Puriel, who had her taken away and prepared for the funeral.

Link sat in his room crying. Rhett came in and sat next to him.

"I am so sorry, Link. It hurts me too. I know how much she meant to you. She was a wonderful person and she will be greatly missed. Volitha said we can leave tomorrow. Why don't you get some rest. I know it isn't that late, but you'll feel better. Good night," Rhett said and gave Link a weak smile.

He didn't return it. He lied down and closed his eyes. He eventually cried himself to sleep.



The book is almost over. I know this chapter was sad, but I'm hoping the end won't be. There will be either one or two more chapters and that's it. I'm sad it's almost over, but then I'll be able to work on starting my collab with Mythical-Nerd00. As I said in my random book, we'll be working on Jade and Barbara's diaries. It should be fun!



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