Chapter 3 Crystaldon

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3rd person POV

Volitha, Rhett, and Link began to run as fast as they could from the hideous creature chasing them. Link looked back at it, it was gaining on him, fast. He tried to get away by sprinting at full speed. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough. The Krax grabbed his leg and he fell to the ground with a thud. He passed out from the blow to his body. The creature grabbed him and slung him over its shoulder.

"Volitha, it's got Link!" Rhett shouted grabbing Volitha's arm to stop her. She pulled out a small dagger from the sheath at her hip.

"Let him go, Krax!" she said sternly, holding the dagger up to it. 

It growled loudly in response, turned, and ran off with Link slumped over his back. Rhett began going after it.

"Rhett, stop! It's too late. Krax are incredibly fast runners. You'll never catch him. Even if you did, he would kill you!" Volitha shouted.

Rhett stopped and turned to look at her before saying, "Link is my best friend. He's practically my twin! I can't let him get killed by that... creature!" Rhett shouted at her.

"They won't kill him. Krax don't kill young or unarmed prisoners. Link is both of those," Volitha replied.

Rhett wiped a tear from his eye and hung his head in sorrow.

"Look, I know it's hard. Very hard, but they took someone near to me too," Volitha said and put her hand on Rhett's shoulder.

"W-who?" Rhett asked quietly.

"My younger sister, Puriel. She's the only family I have left and they imprisoned her too. Now, enough sulking, we need to get to the castle before nightfall. Follow me," Volitha said and began to follow the path again.

They walked in silence for quite a while, until they reached the front gates of the castle. Volitha went up to the guard.

"Your majesty," the guard said and bowed.

"You may rise, guard," she said. 

He immediately opened the gate and let us in.

"What did he mean by, 'Your majesty'?" Rhett asked as they entered the castle.

"I am the queen of Evidore and this is my castle, Crystaldon. My parents ruled before me, but they were murdered by the Krax. That's when they took Puriel," she said sadly.

"I'm so so sorry," Rhett said and gave her a quick hug.

"It's alright, it's hardened me, which is a good thing. I can't be soft and be the queen at the same time.

Rhett looked around the castle in awe. It was the most beautiful place he'd ever seen. It was built into the trees and was very dark, dark, but beautiful.

"This is so beautiful!" Rhett said still taking in his surroundings.

"Thank you, Rhett. Please come with me. I need to start your training as soon as possible," Volitha said and began to walk away.

Rhett jogged to catch up with her.

"What training?" Rhett asked, confused.

"If you are to help us, you must learn to fight in battle. Come with me to your room. You'll start training first thing after breakfast tomorrow morning," Volitha said and led him to his room.

Link's POV

I woke up in some sort of dungeon. It was dark and cold. There was a chain attached to my ankle restricting me from moving much. The only source of light was a torch on the wall. I groaned, my body was so sore! I looked around again and saw a small figure huddled up in the corner.

"H-hello?" I said cautiously.

"Who are you? Whose side are you on? The elves?" a quiet female voice asked, frightened.

"I'm Link, and yes, I'm on the elves side," I replied.

" Oh good, so am I," she said and scooted out of the shadows.

She looked almost exactly like Volitha, but she was younger and maybe a bit prettier.

"What's you're name?" I asked.

"Puriel," she replied quietly.


Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Please check out Mythical-Nerd00 and silveroak6's books. They are both incredibly talented writers! Stay mythical my beastly friends!



Battle For Crystaldon  (A Rhett and Link Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz