Chapter 11 Daz

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Link's POV

I woke up, but I wasn't evil. I guess getting rendered unconscious would stop the potion. I'll have to remember that. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I looked down and realized I had been wrapped in a cocoon of spider web. I tried to free myself, but to no avail. I tried to push my arms out from my sides. I pushed with all my might. Finally, the sticky webbing began to break. I gave it one last push, and it snapped completely.

 I stood up and clawed the rest of the web off me. I turned around and saw the biggest spider I had ever seen. It was huge! It crawled toward me and tried to bite me with it's fangs. I ducked out of the way and grabbed onto the edge, nearly falling off the cliff. I stood back on my feet and sighed, when suddenly, it bumped me.

 I started to fall off the cliff, but I grabbed onto a branch about two feet down from the pathway. My breathing and heart rate quickened. I held on with all my strength and prayed the branch wouldn't snap. I thrust my foot into a crack and gave myself some footing. I put my other foot in a crack as well. I had to climb back up, but I couldn't with this sling on. I grabbed the branch with my broken arm and began to untie the sling with my left hand. After maneuvering it for quite some time, it came undone and fell down the sheer cliff. I swallowed nervously and began to climb the mountain. I shoved my feet wherever they could fit as I slowly approached the pathway. I wasn't far, but it was difficult with a broken right arm. I finally made it back up, but I still had to escape the spider. I grabbed a pointy rock and lunged for the spider. I jumped on it's back and began to stab it repeatedly in the head. It hissed and flailed it's body, trying to knock me off. I gripped it tightly with my legs and kept stabbing it. I finally hit it as hard as I could muster with what little strength I had left, and it fell lifeless.

I placed my hand over my heart and tried to catch my breath. I slid off the creature's back and onto the stony pathway. I laid down and closed my eyes. I just wanted to be home. To be safe. To be with my mom, my dad, Rhett. I missed Rhett. I knew he was so close, but it felt so far. 

"I can't make it. I can't climb this mountain. I could barely make it two feet! I'm going to die here!" I said and put my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

 After regaining some of my strength, I stood up and began to look for a way up. I walked around hopelessly, until, I saw something I didn't expect. In front of my was a stone stair case. I moved slightly to the left, it appeared invisible. I moved to the right, it was back. I moved a little farther, and it was gone again! A secret staircase! I quickly walked up to it and began to climb. The steps were small and broken away, but they could still be used. I climbed and climbed and climbed for what felt like hours! 

"Puriel, I miss your company. I just wish I had someone to tall to," I said and sat down for a minute.

"You could always talk to me," a quiet voice said.

"Who are you?" I said,  startled.

"My name is Daz. I live in the caves of this mountain," a small hairless creature said as it emerged from a tiny cavern.

"I'm Link," I said, slightly afraid.

Daz walked up to me and sniffed me.

"Oh, human! Humans are very tasty!" Daz said before grabbing my leg and biting it.

"Ow! Don't do that!" I said flinging him off me.

He went flying and hit a rock. He crawled back over and said," Sorry, human," and looked at me looking for forgiveness.

I sighed. "Don't do it again. What are you?" I asked sitting back down.

"Goblin. What are you doing here? No one knows about this stairway, but me," Daz said and sat on my lap.

He was a weird little creature.  "I was looking for a way to get up the mountain other than climbing. That didn't work very well for me, so I found this and have been climbing up," I explained.

"Oh. Where are you going, human?" Daz asked and looked at me curiously.

He was like a little kid. "My name is Link, please call me that. I'm going to the castle on the other side. I was with someone else, but she had to keep going without me," I said and sighed.

I think I liked Puriel. I mean, I really liked her. She was beautiful, sweet, and kind. She was perfect, except, she's an elf. I sighed thoughtfully.

"Do you want me to help you?" Daz asked excitedly.

"Sure, could you take me there?" I asked.

"Of course, Leak. Follow me," he said and began to run up the stair case.

I rolled my eyes, he was never going to get my name right. I jogged to catch up with him. I was glad there was at least someone to talk to, even if he was a trouble-making goblin. 

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