Chapter 13 Healing Magic

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Link's POV

I was following Volitha through the castle, when suddenly, I stopped.

"Wait a minute, where's Daz? He disappeared!" I said, getting worried for the poor, little guy. 

I completely forgot about him in all the excitement of seeing Rhett again and being told I was slowly dying from the potion.

"Who is Daz?" Rhett asked, confused.

"The goblin who came in with us. He helped me get to the top of the mountain," I explained.

I needed to find him. I started jogging back the way we came.

"Link, stop. Find the goblin later! You're life is in danger!" Volitha shouted after me.

I stopped and sighed. He was lost in this huge castle, all by himself. He was probably scared. Puriel knew him, she could look for him! I spun around and looked at her.

"Puriel, please find Daz for me. I don't want anything happening to him. I feel like I need to look out for him for some reason," I pleaded.

She looked into my eyes compassionately. She smiled and nodded before turning and running through the halls. I went back to Volitha and Rhett and followed them to a room with a large table and some potions in it.

"Lie down," Volitha said. I did so. She rubbed her hands together and walked over to the table. She strapped me down by my ankles and wrists.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. You see, it's going to hurt, a lot. The evil potion will become incredibly strong and try to fight the antidote. You will be incredibly evil until the antidote can stop the potion and you'll be in great pain until it does. I'm very sorry, but it must be done," Volitha said and looked at me with much sorrow. 

I could tell it pained her to have to do this, but there was no other way. The potion was going to kill me if she didn't stop it. I sighed and closed my eyes for a minute. I was very afraid. I hated being in pain and I hated being evil. I was already in pain from my broken arm being strapped down so tightly. I looked over at Rhett. 

"Rhett come here, brother," I said quietly. I opened my hand implying for him to grab it. He did so and looked into my eyes. His eyes were watering a bit.

"I'm so sorry, Link. I should have been there to stop it. I'm a horrible friend. This is all my fault," Rhett said and sat down. He put his head in his hands and started sobbing.

"Rhett, it's not your fault. You are the best friend I will ever have. You're my brother. There was nothing you could have done. They would have hurt you too if you tried, and it would kill me to see you in so much pain," I said and felt tears coming to my eyes as well.

"Y-you really mean that?" Rhett asked, looking up at me.

"Of course, Rhett. I mean every single word," I said. I looked over at Volitha. She was smiling and had her hand over her heart. As I was looking at her, I felt Rhett's arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

"Thank you, brother," Rhett said.

"I really mean it Rhett. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you, as a brother," I quickly clarified.

"I love you too, Link," Rhett said before letting go of me and stepping out of Volitha's way.

"Are you ready, Link?" she asked softly.

"Yeah," I said and waited for her to give me the antidote.

She lifted my head gently and put the bottle up to my mouth. I quickly swallowed the sweet liquid. It felt good, for a minute, but then, it started to burn. My vision became clouded and my body felt like a terrible pressure was being put on it. I was in a blind rage. The pain coursed through my veins. I felt like I was on fire and frozen at the same time. I screamed and thrashed violently. I felt so much pain, yet felt so empty. I could barely use my senses. I laid there in agony for what felt like an eternity. Until finally, everything became incredibly bright. I gasped for breath and looked around. I saw Volitha holding back Rhett. He was shouting for her to stop it. I looked down and saw my body thrashing and screaming. It was terrifying. I was having an out of body experience.

Link, it's Volitha. You need to get back to your body. This is you, the real you, not the evil you currently in your body. Go to your body and get into it. That will stop the potion once and for all, but you must hurry. You don't have much longer if you wish to live. The potion will kill you if you don't stop it now. Go! Before it's too late. I can't let you die.

I stopped floating and walked over to my body. I got on top of the table and laid down. I felt incredibly tired and fell into an inky black shadow of unconsciousness.

Rhett's POV

"Volitha, please, let me go to him!" I pleaded.

"I can't he'll kill you, Rhett!" Volitha said.

Suddenly, Link stopped moving. He lay perfectly still. His breathing slowed to a normal pace and he looked incredibly peaceful. Volitha let me go and I walked over to him slowly. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently shook it. Slowly, his eyes opened and he smiled at me.

"Rhett, it's gone. It's all over," he said softly.

I smiled and unstrapped him. I helped him get up and followed Volitha out the door. He needed to get some rest Volitha had told me. We took him to the bedroom next to mine and put him to bed. He was incredibly weak, but that was normal, apparently. I sat down next to him in the chair and watched as he slept. My best friend was finally safe again. At least, he was for now.

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