Chapter 8 Escape

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Puriel's POV

Link lunged for my throat again. Why was he always trying to strangle me? I moved as far away as I could and thankfully, I was just out of his reach. He yelled and tried with all his might to reach me. He finally gave up and began to stare at me. I felt like he was looking into my soul. He was just sitting on the cold, stone floor watching my every move. I swallowed nervously, before trying to speak.

"L-link? W-what are you doing?" My voice came out like a croak.

"Watching you, Puriel," he said slowly.

His voice was deep and gravely. He stared at me with completely black eyes. I was terrified. He wasn't doing anything, yet he still had the ability to be horrifying. I looked at the chain around my ankle. I thought about it breaking. I began to feel strange. I felt a tingling sensation in my ankle. Then, suddenly, I heard a loud crack. I opened my eyes and saw the shackle had broken. I was free! I gasped, not knowing what just happened. I felt excited, but then I remembered Link was still there and he could hurt me if I got too close. I moved to the opposite wall and began to think.

What do I do now? I needed to escape, but I didn't know how to get out of the cell. I looked around and saw a small, barred-off window. It looked like I could fit through it if the bars were broken, but how could I do that? Maybe I could break them with my mind, like the chain. I tried. I pictured the bars breaking. I thought about it over and over, until I heard a snap. I looked up, the bars had broken. I must have been using magic, but I had never been taught how. I got up and began to approach the window, when I realized Link was still there. He reached for me again. 

"Link, I'm so so sorry," I apologized before kicking him in the face.

He fell back and his mouth began to bleed. Blood poured out of his mouth, but it wasn't red, it was black. He held his jaw with a pained look on his face. I quickly began to climb up the wall and out the window. I felt horrible about kicking Link, but he would have murdered me if I hadn't. What do I do now? Do I leave him? I looked down at the boy staring up at me. His eyes began to change color. They went from the empty black to a bright blue again. His mouth was still bleeding, but the blood was red again. 

"Oh gosh, Link please forgive me for hurting you, but you were trying to kill me again!" I said as tears began to pour out from my eyes. 

A single tear fell from his eye and he replied, "Of course I forgive you, but can you ever forgive me? I don't want to hurt you, Puriel, but I can't control it. It's too much for me. I'm such a weakling." He put his head in his hands. His shoulders and chest began to shake, showing he was silently crying. I jumped back into the cell, escaping the cold forest air. I pulled him into a hug.

"It's not your fault and you are not a weakling. Most people can't fluctuate back and forth between good and evil. They are usually constantly evil and can never go back. You are strong, Link. And I will always forgive you. Never forget that," I said as I held his slim figure.

He looked up at me. I looked into his beautifully blue eyes. Even though he was still crying, his eyes were smiling. I closed my eyes and tried to break his chain. It finally broke after a minute or two. I found myself feeling weaker, as if the magic was exhausting me. Link's head shot up once he heard the crack. He hugged me even tighter and whispered a thank you. I smiled. I stood up and offered him my hand. He took it and I helped him to his feet. He walked to the wall and began to climb it, sticking his feet in the various cracks and crannies. Once he made it up, he offered me his hands to pull me up. I grabbed hold of them firmly and felt myself being lifted off the ground. He pulled my through the window and onto the dead grass. 

I stood up and looked around. It was pitch black out, but elves have better vision than humans, so I could still see clearly. 

"It's so dark!" Link said looking around.

"Maybe for you, but it's not for me," I said and smiled to myself. "We need to get out of here. Can you see at all?"

"No, not really," Link said.

"Okay, then I'll lead you," I said and grabbed his hand.

We began to run through the forest. All I could think about was getting home to my sister.


Sorry about updating twice in one day, but I really wanted to. Hope you enjoyed it!



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