Chapter 18 Explanation

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Link's POV

I stared at Rhett blankly. What in the world was he talking about?

"You mean you don't remember anything?" Rhett asked.

"The last thing I remember was falling off the cliff in the woods back home," I said.

Rhett sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Why don't we get some sleep now, it's pretty late. I'll explain everything in the morning. I think you'll be able to take it in better after you've gotten some sleep. Good night, Link," Rhett said and lied down on the rocky ground.

"Good night, Rhett," I said and tried to find somewhere at least somewhat comfortable to sleep.

I heard something rustling. I looked around and saw a backpack. It was moving. I grabbed Rhett's arm and shook him. He shot up and looked around frantically.

"W-what is it? Are we under attack?!" Rhett asked frightfully.

"T-that backpack is m-m-moving," I said and pointed to it, my hand shaking.

Rhett sighed and placed his hand over his heart.

"Gosh man, you scared me! Don't panic, it's just Daz," Rhett said and lied back down.

"Who is Daz?" I asked.

"A goblin. He helped you get to the top of the mountain. He really likes you. He's bad with names though. He calls you Leak, me Rat, and our friend Puriel, Purryelf," Rhett said and chuckled quietly.

I watched the backpack and saw a small, hairless creature come out of it. I gasped and watched as it slowly approached me. It walked right up to me and curled up in my arms.

"R-Rhett, what do I do?" I asked, scared of the creature sleeping in my arms.

"Just let him stay there, man. He won't hurt you. He tried to eat you before, but you told him not to. He also asked if he could eat me, but that didn't happen either. He really likes you, so, don't be afraid of him. He's harmless. Just let him sleep. You like him, you just don't remember. The whole reason we're out on this mountain is because he missed his home and you decided to walk him back. You really care about him. He's not going to hurt you or try eating you," Rhett said and rolled over.

I swallowed nervously and moved so my back was against a large rock. I held the cold goblin in my arms. I trusted Rhett with my life. He wouldn't be lying if I was in danger. It felt weird, I was holding a goblin, but I was so tired, I soon fell asleep.

Rhett's POV

I woke up to the a warm orange glow as the sun slowly rose over the dark forest and castle. It was absolutely beautiful. I turned to check on Link. I was worried about him. He completely forgot about everything that has happened. I'm sure he'll think I'm crazy when I tell him, but what could I do. It did seem crazy, but it was really happening. Daz was still snuggled up in Link's arms. I guess he let him stay there anyway. Link's eyes slowly started to open and he yawned.

"Morning, Rhett. Sleep well?" Link asked, stifling another yawn.

"I did actually, you?" I asked and stretched. My back was hurting from sleeping on a mountain floor, but I ignored it and got up.

"As well as I could with a goblin in my arms and propped up by a rock," Link said and chuckled.

Daz began to wake up. He smiled his toothy grin at Link. Link gave a clearly nervous smile back.

"Leak! You're okay! I was worried you died from the monsters attacking us. You okay?" Daz asked and cocked his head.

Link looked up at me and swallowed uncomfortably. I nodded my head for him to answer Daz. He quietly cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Where do you live? We should probably get you back there as soon as we can," Link said.

Daz looked up at him with hurt in his eyes. Poor little guy, he didn't understand why Link was acting this way. I crouched down next to him.

"Hey Daz, why don't you find something to eat. I think I heard a mouse before," I said and smiled as his face lit up and he ran off to go hunting.

"You certainly hurt his feelings," I said  with a chuckle and sat next to Link.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"It's not like I wanted too. I'm just... well, I'm maybe sort of... scared of him. I mean, it's not everyday you run into goblins is it?" Link said, trying to justify his fear.

I laughed before replying, "No, it's not. I understand. I think I should probably explain everything to you now. I know it'll seem crazy, but this has actually happened, so, just bear with me."

I explained everything. Volitha, the Krax, being captured, the evil potion, having his arm broken by a Shademorph, killing it, being attacked by a giant spider, killing that too, my magical abilities,Puriel, the castle, fighting to help the elves, him being an incredibly good sword fighter, Daz, and our attack on the way to take Daz back to his cave home in the mountain.

"And, just between us, I think you and Puriel like each other. I mean, really like each other," I said and nudged him.

He blushed and looked up. 

Link's POV

I felt my face getting red as Rhett said that I really liked this Puriel girl. I looked up and saw the most beautiful person in the world. A gentle breeze blew her long, blonde hair and the warm orange light of the sunrise made her look absolutely gorgeous. She smiled when she saw us. She ran over to me and kissed my lips gently. I blushed incredibly deeply. She pulled away and gasped.

"Oh, Rhett, I'm so sorry. Um, I think we forgot to tell you," she said, embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I already knew. Um... I'm not really sure how to tell you this, but when Link was hit in the head last night, he lost his memory of everything that's happened here. I told him everything, but he doesn't remember it. I'm so sorry," I said and gave her a small hug.

She smiled sadly at me.

"Thank you, Rhett. So, you don't remember me at all, Link?" Puriel asked. Her eyes began to fill up with tears.

"Uh... no, I'm sorry. I really wish I did. Apparently, we had something special, but I can't remember it. I wish I did, you seem wonderful and you're so gorgeous. Wow, I sure was lucky," Link said.

She gave a weak smile, but tears had begun to fall from her eyes. She turned away.

"I'm sorry," she managed to get out before full on sobbing.

She sat down and cried and cried and cried. I felt horrible. I saw Link get up and put his arm around her. He gently rubbed her back and leaned forward and kissed her cheek. She rubbed her eyes and smiled at him. She was already feeling a bit better. She leaned forward and looked at his lips then back at his eyes. He smiled and leaned forward and met her lips. They kissed softly for a few seconds then, pulled away. Link was smiling like an idiot. Puriel giggled softly.

"I may have forgotten about the love we had for each other, but I know, it's definitely coming back!" Link said and hugged her.

"I'm sorry we lost that, but I'm so glad it's not over between us. I love you, Link," she said and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Puriel," Link said and kissed the top of her head. "If I hadn't known you before, that would have seemed so rushed and not true, but I think I'm starting to remember you, Puriel. I remember out love."

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