Chapter 17 Mountain Attack

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Daz's POV

I grabbed Leak's hand as he, Purryelf, and some other human led me back to my home in the mountain. I heard my stomach growl.

"Leak, I'm hungry. Can I eat him," I said and gestured to the huge human.

"Whoa, whoa, no. Listen, there will be no eating of humans, especially not Rhett," Leak said and chuckled.

"Sorry, Rat," I said and hung my head.

Rat laughed and said to Leak, "Did I hear him correctly? Did he just call me 'Rat'?"

"Yeah, he did. He thinks my name is Leak and Puriel's is Purryelf. He's got a problem with names," Leak said and patted my head gently.

My stomach growled again. I heard something running around near by. I let go of Leak's hand and began to chase the creature. It was a mouse. I licked my lips, mice are a favorite of mine.

"Daz! Where are you going?! Stop!" Leak shouted and began to run toward me.

I ignored him, my stomach was in need of meat. Stupid elves only eat fruit. I needed meat! I sped up and saw the mouse in front of me. It froze in its tracks and stared at me with wide eyes. I reached my hand out and snatched it off the ground. I smacked it to the ground until it died and took a bite of the juicy animal.

"Oh Daz! That's disgusting! That poor mouse!" Leak said and squatted next to me. "How could you do that?!"

"Hungry," I said and took another bite.

I quickly finished the rodent and threw the carcass to the side. I looked at Leak and started to continue down the path. Leak sighed and began to follow.

Rhett's POV

I followed closely behind Link and Daz. Puriel was walking behind me. I could hear howling in the distance followed by the sound of something grunting. Puriel froze and put her finger up to her lips to quiet us. I grabbed Link's arm to stop him. He turned around and set Daz on his shoulder. Puriel remained in the same position for a few moments before she whispered softly, "There is a pack of Krax near here. We must hide or they'll capture us again."

She gestured for us to follow her and we did so. She walked behind a large boulder and crouched down. Link and I did the same. She leaned forward to look for the Krax. Suddenly, she jerked back and closed her eyes tightly. I took a quick look and saw about twenty Krax crossing the path, torches and spears in their hands. I held my breath, trying to keep as quiet as possible. I glance over at Link. He was trying to hold back a sneeze. Oh no, please not now. He gasped and then sneezed. I heard the Krax stop walking and then I heard them getting closer. I turned my head just in time to see a club swinging at Link's head. I tried to push him out of the way, but it was too late. It smacked into his forehead with a great force. I watched as he slumped down, unconscious. Puriel pulled out her sword and lopped the creature's head off.

"Move!" she shouted and stood up.

She grabbed Daz who was cowering in fear and placed him in her backpack with just his head sticking out. I put my arm around Link and carried him bridal style. His mouth was open and his head was hanging limply. Puriel began to attack the approaching Krax and quickly slipped off her backpack with Daz in it.

"Take them and run! I'll meet up with you when I can!" she shouted before stabbing another Krax.

I gulped and set Link down gently. I pulled the backpack on and picked Link up again. I turned to look at Puriel again. She was hurriedly fighting off Krax left and right. She looked at me. I gave her look asking if I should really go. She nodded and stabbed another Krax. I sighed and began to run up the mountain. I didn't know where to go, but I knew I had to get away from there.

The sun was completely down now and I had made it to the top of the mountain. Puriel was about 75 feet down the mountain, she had killed the last Krax. I couldn't really see well, the only light was from the abandoned torches. She appeared to be sleeping. I set Link down and took off the backpack. I opened it up and found Daz huddled inside, his bony hands covering his head. I sighed and watched as Link began to wake up.

"Oh my head! W-what happened? Where are we?" Link asked, rubbing his forehead.

"We're on top of the mountain. I carried you up after you blacked out. You were hit in the head with a club. We were attacked by the Krax," I explained.

Link's brow furrowed. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Rhett, what mountain? What the heck are Krax? What are talking about?"


Hey guys,

Please check out my good friends' silveroak6 Mythical-Nerd00 and X_AngelWithAShotgun books. They're really awesome! Thank for reading, voting, and commenting!



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