Chapter 9 The Shademorph's Cave

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Puriel's POV

I held Link's hand as we ran through the dark shadow of night. As we ran, I heard Krax chasing us. They must have noticed we were gone. Unfortunately, Krax are incredibly good at hunting their prey. Link and I, in this case, were said prey. I began to hear Link starting to pant. Apparently, humans don't have as much stamina as elves.

"Puriel, I can't go on. I'm so out of breath," Link gasped.

"Link, the Krax are coming, we have to keep moving," I said and continued to run as fast as my legs could carry me.

"I-I can't. Just leave me! You don't have to die with me! Just go!" Link said and let go of my hand. 

He collapsed, hitting the forest floor with a thud. I sighed. He could be so overly dramatic sometimes. I looked around. The Krax were about 2,000 feet away and moving fast. I saw a cave nearby that we could hide in until the Krax were gone. I grabbed Link and dragged him into the cave. It was pretty scary looking, but most caves are, especially at night. I laid him down and then laid next to him. I closed my eyes are drifted to sleep.

Link's POV

Hisssss. I awoke to a loud hissing noise. I looked around and saw Puriel sleeping peacefully next to me in the early dawn light. Hissssss. I heard it again.

"Puriel, Puriel, wake up. There's something in here!" I said as I shook her arm slightly.

"W-what?" Puriel said as she opened her eyes.

"Something's hissing in here," I said and began to look for the source of the noise.

Hisssss. There it was again, but this time, it was much louder. Then, I saw it. It was some sort of shadow-like creature.

"It's a Shademorph. We need to get out of here, now!" Puriel whisper yelled to me. 

She grabbed my hand and began to cautiously stand up. I slowly got up and followed her to the cave exit. Suddenly, I froze. My legs wouldn't move. I turned towards Puriel. She looked back at me with frightened, wide eyes. The silence was broken by an incredibly loud and throaty scream. My head shot back and I saw the creature rapidly approaching us. It had the form of a man, but it was a completely black and featureless shadow. It walked up to me and placed it's cold hand on my shoulder. I started feeling weak. Oh no, the potion was taking over again! I tried to warn Puriel, but I couldn't open my mouth. I screamed, finally opening my jaw. It hurt so much!

"It's back!" I managed to say to Puriel before it completely took over me.

 I looked down at my hands and saw claws coming out of them. I again felt such hatred for every living thing around me. My vision became darker and my teeth were jagged again. I looked at the creature holding my shoulder and leaped for it. I pushed it to the ground and scratched it with my claws. It screamed in pain and grabbed me by the throat and picked me up. My feet dangled in the air as it chocked me. I kicked it in the stomach and it doubled over in pain. I sunk my claws into the back of it's neck and it howled in pain. It grabbed my arm and bent it until I heard a loud snap. I cried out, my arm hanging limply at my side. I grabbed it's shoulder and pushed it's head out of the way before sinking my teeth into it's neck. It gasped and fell lifeless to the ground. I looked at Puriel. She was terrified. In her eyes, I could see she wanted to run, but she was to petrified to move. I groaned and fell to the ground, gripping my broken arm tightly. Slowly, my vision became bright and the claws and fangs disappeared.

"Puriel, help me," I said as I lie on the floor in agonizing pain.

"Oh Link, you're back to yourself again. How badly does it hurt?" she asked and knelt down next to me.

I tried to speak, but the pain was too much. I moved it slightly, causing a shooting pain to go through it. 

"Ahhh!" I screamed and clutched my arm even tighter.

"Here, I'll make you a cast," Puriel said and pulled out her dagger. She took off her cape and cut the bottom of it off. She then gently grabbed my other arm and helped me sit up. She wrapped part of the cape around my arm and cut off another section of it. She made it into a sling and put it over my neck.

"It's actually a good thing the potion took affect, if it hadn't we'd probably be dead now," Puriel said and helped me stand up. "We need to keep moving. We need to get back to the castle as soon as possible. Volitha needs our help."

We  exited the cave and started towards the distant castle once again.


Hey Mythical Beasts!

Please check out silveroak6's book if you haven't yet. She's very sweet and she's super close to 1000 reads and I want to help her achieve that. Also, check out Mythical-Nerd00's books too. They're all really good and she's super sweet too! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you thought in the comments. Thanks for spending your precious time reading my stories! Lol



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