Chapter 4 Bad Dream

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Rhett's POV

As soon as I was left alone in my room, emotions flooded over me. Fear, worry, helplessness, and a feeling of guilt for Link. I felt like it was all my fault he was gone. I should have stayed closer to him. I couldn't even do anything as the Krax took him away. What if they did kill him? It would all be my fault. I would be lost without him. I needed him.

(The italics are a dream)

Link was chained up and was being beaten. He called out for me to help him, but I couldn't. The Krax were holding me and I couldn't break free of their grasp. I could only watch as the Krax beat him mercilessly. A Krax then said a spell and Link screamed in pain. I watched as the life exited his thin frame. He slumped to the ground. He was dead and it was all my fault.

I woke with a start. 

"Rhett, you need to start training soon. Get some breakfast and I'll take you there," Volitha said.

I swallowed hard and wiped the cold sweat from my forehead. I was breathing heavily.

"Rhett, are you alright?" Volitha said and leaned down next to me.

"No, I had a nightmare that Link was murdered right in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it," I said. It was clear by voice I was shook up.

Volitha sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"They won't kill him. It is against their ways. It was just a dream. Calm down. I brought you some breakfast," Volitha said and handed Rhett a basket. "Get dressed. Your clothes are in the closet. I'll meet you in the main hall."

I took the basket and opened it. There was only strange looking fruits inside it. I took out a lumpy, purple fruit and bit into it. It was so sweet! I quickly finished it off. I was going to take more fruit, but I realized was incredibly full. That was strange, I normally have a huge appetite. Must be the elven food.

I stood up and went to the closet. I pulled out the first outfit. It was a green tunic, brown vest, tan tights, and brown boots. I sighed and put it on. It felt strange. I didn't really like it, but it's what I had to wear.

I walked to the main hall and found Volitha. She took me through a series of hallways and staircases, until we reached the training room.

"Sundimar, come here," Volitha called to a male elf. He walked over to us. He was tall, thin, and muscular.

"Sundimar, this is Rhett, your new student. Please train him for battle against the Krax," Volitha said and began to walk away.

Sundimar looked at me with disgust.

"You are no elf. You are a human. What are you doing here?!" Sundimar spat out at me.

"Queen Volitha personally came to my best friend and I pleading for help. We said yes, so we are here to help you," I replied trying to hide my frustration with him.

"Then where is this friend of yours?" Sundimar asked and barely looked at me.

"The Krax captured him. When I can, I will rescue him," I said angrily.

"He's so weak, the Krax captured him, and he needs his friend to help him. Poor little human," Sundimar mocked.

"Link is not weak! Don't you ever make fun of him! He's a lot stronger than you!" I said and punched him square in the nose.

He groaned loudly and put his hand to his nose which had blood pouring out of it. I turned away and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Volitha staring angrily at me.

"That was not a good idea, Rhett," she said as furiously.

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