"She's perfect." I can't help the tears of love that form into my eyes and drop down my cheeks. "I should've told you what happens when you don't have your cravings. When first turned, a female has to not be on any sort of birth control as the same for the male. A baby is very rarely made during a turning, you are just one of the lucky few. The first baby arrives about a week after with no symptoms of a pregnancy until the very day. The last one gets about a month—"
"Wait...the last one?" I have to go through this again?! "Yes, if a pregnancy occurs during a turning there are always two. They usually aren't identical and the first always looks a few more years older, we think it's because when a female turns her body produces more ova. I'm sorry, I should have told you about the possible outcomes when cravings don't arrive in a twenty-four hour period..."

Ash looks so terrible that I can only forgive her, knowing that I'd be more prepared next time. "It's fine, don't beat yourself up over it." Then again, I am also holding my first child in my arms. I smile at her and gently stroke her small nose, she lets out a giggle that makes even Chris 'aw' in affection and drop onto his knees so he can look at her better. "She looks more like her mother, thank God." Ricky smacks Chris's head and forces him out of the way so he can have more room to have his daughter to himself. "I'm guessing you haven't been thinking of baby names." Ricky lifts some of the stressful tension of the little girl nearly not making it and has everyone lightly laughing. "No, but I'm fond of the name JoJo. Since she's not a boy we can't name her after the dumb äss that saved her. So I think JoJo is one of the best names for her."

Josh huffs when he finishes changing his shirt and crosses his arms. "This dumb äss is not deaf."
Both Ricky, Ash, and Chris look very annoyed with naming JoJo after an angel. "I'm not going to say drop it and name her something else, you went through all that shït not me. All got was a good night and a beautiful girl, so it's up to you. If you want to name her after Josh, do it." I didn't know if it is the respect or sincereness that is talking, but I think it's the sincereness. I allow Ricky to choose her middle name, getting a 'Man, that's hard, let me think about it.'

"If you are planning to breast feed I'd go ahead and do it quickly, if not then I'm sure Jessica can flick some silly spell." Ash cuts into the moment, I go to stand up to excuse myself to the bunks with JoJo but Ash makes me sit down. "Oh, no! You need to lay down! Everyone, get out! Go! Yes, even you, Dad and Grandpa." Ash pushes Ricky and Greg when they try to protest to stay, leaving her and I the only ones in the bus again. "That's not really why I made them leave..." Ash says when I have a blanket over JoJo and I feel fatigue start to sweep over me. "Oh?"
"You know the law...The angels will be here after Josh makes contact..." That's when it hits me. Ricky is now a father, and the law... "No! They can't hurt him! You can say something, can't you!"

The joyous moment is now dropped and replaced with nothing but sadness and fear. "Hush, I don't know...It's a law. Ricky is going to be executed probably tomorrow morning, but the angels will arrive any minute. It's Josh's job to alert them when stuff like this happens. And, sadly, there is nothing any of us can do unless three things happened: It's a different father, the law is repelled, or the child dies." If I didn't have JoJo in my arms I probably would have burst into tears and huddle my knees to my chest, we only had a short amount of time. I imagine everyone is telling Ricky the same because I hear muffled groans or a sharp bang on the side of the bus, indicating someone was upset by the news. 

"Can you go get Ricky?" I ask when JoJo falls asleep, while Ash fetches my boyfriend and her father, I think about all the sleepless nights I'd have to spend alone. How I was going to tell her and her sibling why Daddy wasn't around or how he acted and looked like, tell them how their Dad was someone who deeply cared about those close to him, and how he was a great musician in just a day. Maybe one of them will become a singer like Chris or a guitarist like their Dad, but I'm not going to push them into anything they don't want to do. Ricky enters by himself, a sickening look to his face, he knows.

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