Saving Stephenie - Chapter 16

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                She didn’t fight me on it like she normally would shooting a look over at Derek, obviously blaming him for his presence but he didn’t notice since his eyes never strayed from me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so confused than I have since we’ve gotten to Teresa’s.

                “So what brings you here this late?” Teresa said trying to change the subject. Too bad it brought me back to everything I didn’t want to think about.

                “I needed to see Cam,” I stated in an offhand voice looking down at the hot chocolate in my hands.

                “Oh Steph! It’s going to be a year soon right?” she asked her face breaking out into worry and concern. It was all so Teresa.

                “Two days.”

                “I miss him,” Teresa sighed.

                “Yeah, join the club,” I muttered a weak, dry laugh.

                “I never knew him,” Derek added in trying to lighten the mood and I sent a small smile at him. It must have taken him off guard because he looked bewildered for a second before a genuine smile lit up his face.

                “You’re an idiot,” I commented. “So Reese, can we stay here tonight? I hoped you wouldn’t mind, we just need to find Logan tomorrow and take care of a couple things.”

                “Of course, you know that this house is always open for you. I’m just so happy to see you, you have no idea,” Teresa said and I could see her tearing up.

                “It’s good to see you too,” I said running over to give her a hug. I could feel myself breaking inside. My emotions were contradicting themselves and my head was telling me to forget her, and to follow the plan like normal but my heart ached at seeing her so sad.

                “You know,” she laughed lightly. “That everyone from the group is really depressed the life of the party is gone.”

                I laughed too. There were a certain number of people that we hung out with on a normal basis and I hadn’t said goodbye to them really at all. “Oh really?”

                “Donovan misses you too,” she winked referring to my ass of an ex. I broke his heart, but that doesn’t mean he was groveling at my feet – he was still as creepy as ever. I wasn’t sure why I had ever gone out with him. “He actually seems like he has feelings when you’re mentioned.”

                I groaned while Teresa just laughed and Derek coughed slightly. “Donovan, Donovan, Donovan. I had him wrapped around my finger the sleazy scum.”

                “I never understood why that even happened,” Teresa shrugged.

                “He seemed like the only guy who wouldn’t develop actual feelings and I thought we could have a feeling free relationship and just have fun. But then he actually did have feelings, of all people and I had to get away, who would have thought,” I said reminding myself of those two weeks. I hadn’t wanted anyone to get attached to me, or for me to get attached to anyone just like now. I didn’t need anyone to miss me when I wasn’t there, but I still wanted to have some fun. I didn’t like Donovan at all, the only thing he had going for him was he was a satisfactory kisser, and he was the last person I would expect to actually have feelings for anyone so that’s why I picked him.

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