he pulled away winking, getting up, off my bed, and walking out of the room, leaving me to deal with my thoughts.

What just happened?

I heard the sound of the door close, followed by the sound of voices, I walk downstairs towards the kitchen, to see everyone eating their food.

"You guys started without me?" I said pretending to be hurt.

as soon as I walked in the room, I could feel the awkwardness between me and Jack.

I think everyone could feel a weird vibe.

It had been a while since the boys had finished eating and left the room to go play fifa, leaving me and Zoe talking in the kitchen.

"I want to ask you something"

"What is it?" I ask concerned.

"I want to know how you're feeling about living here now"

"I obviously prefer it here, no one knows what I went through, so I don't need to be reminded of it" I said with a half smile.

"don't you think we should tell them?" Zoe asked not looking at me.

"tell them what?" Johnson asked out of no where.

"uh, nothing" I said feeling nervous, I walked to the fridge and opened it, pretending to look for something to ignore this conversation.

"Elena, we can tell Johnson, you can't keep this bottled up" she said, her eyes now locked with mine.

"yes I can, I don't want to feel judge" I said harshly, I could feel my eyes swelling in tears.

"Me and the boys would never judge you" Johnson said, resting his hand on my arm.

"You tell him then, I don't want to go through it again, even thinking about it makes me feel sick"  I shout, walking towards the pool door, to get some fresh air.

Johnson pov

"He tried to take advantage of her!?" I said with shock on my face.

"yeah, everyone who we knew found out about it and she received so much hate for something which didn't even happen, it was blown out of proportion so much that we had to move"

"wait, so thats why you guys moved here?"

Zoe nodded.

"why didn't you just move somewhere else in England"

"it's always been a dream of ours to move out here and Elena wasn't comfortable living anywhere else than London, these girls would find her and beat her up in groups, recording it and posting it on social media. It had gotten to the point where she was debating her own life, and I felt guilty to watch her like that, so her parents and I persuaded her to actually move here"

I felt sick to my stomach, how can anyone do something like that?

"where is she?"

I rush out of the kitchen and saw her sitting outside on her own.

"Im so sorry for what happened to you" I said grabbing her into a tight hug.

and just like that she instantly snapped and started to breakdown crying.

Zoe's pov

It was so hard to explain the story and to be reminded of every last bruise and cut that I saw on her body all over again, and to remember the sights of her in hospital.

I felt like we needed to tell one of the boys so then its less of a secret to keep. Johnson will start to understand why she has so much anxiety.

seeing her cry honestly makes me break.

she's such a kind-hearted person, and It makes me sick to think what she has gone through.

I was watching Johnson and her talk when I heard someone come down the stairs.

"who's crying?" Jack walked round the corner.

"no one why?" I lied standing in the way of the door.

"Zoe I can see over your head" I face palm, not thinking about that.

I move out of the way so he could walk past me.

Elena's pov

since Johnson came outside to talk to me I haven't stopped crying, I hadn't really cried about the situation before, I've just been so angry about it and as Zoe said, I bottle up my emotions.

"what's happened?" Jack asked with concern in his voice, walking over to us.

I look to Johnson to see sympathy in his eyes.

"Do you want him to know?" Johnson whispered to me

I looked at him unsure.

"You can tell him, I'm tired. Can you let me go upstairs first?" I ask standing up from the lounger.

"sure" he stood up with me and gave me a warm hug.

"goodnight Jack" I wrap my arms around his waist, wiping my wet cheeks before hugging him.

"goodnight" he hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead.

I walk towards Zoe, who is standing in the doorway and I instantly hug her.

"Im sorry for arguing with you earlier" I say feeling bad about my tone with her.

"I'm the one that sorry El, I don't want to pressure you as I know you've been through a lot but I think it will help for them to understand what you've been through" she says walking with me. "lets go to bed"

she guides me upstairs. We walk into my room and towards my closet where I start to change into some pyjamas. Once I was ready, she helps me into bed and gives me a cuddle.

"Johnson's telling Jack everything downstairs" I say feeling nervous while resting my head onto her shoulder.

"It will be fine, at least now we wont be keeping it from them"  she said to reassure me.

"I know, I just don't want them to treat me differently after knowing this"

"They won't Elena, stop worrying. Lets get some  sleep" she turns the side light off and cuddles me.


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