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Please read until the end.

I unpublished the Heartbreak Series on 2015, due to certain reasons that will be mentioned throughout this note. When people asked me why I removed it from my works, I simply answered that I'd be editing it because: (1) my style of writing made me cringe; (2) there were so many grammatical errors; (3) I legitimately had no freaking knowledge about college and the way it worked, so basically, most of the stuff I wrote about the characters in college are incorrect [I was fourteen when I started the book; I was dumb.]; (4) the series had no proper character development nor a decent plot; (5) I'm simply just not proud of the series.

But of course, I ended up not editing the book and not adding special chapters like I promised. The Heartbreak Series was totally forgotten (at least for me) because school had been so stressful and I really can't prioritize Wattpad. (And I'm sorry for that.)

In all honesty, I just find the series lame. There were a lot (when I say a lot, I meant almost every freaking chapter) of book references (ahem, The Fault in Our Stars). I had no knowledge of anything that concerned college (promise, ang bobo ko). I just can't stop cringing every time I remember I wrote this. Of course, I did enjoy every second of it while it happened but things change, and so do our perspectives in life.

I've been receiving a lot of messages lately. People had been asking me why I 'changed fandom' (your words, not mine) and why I deleted the series. To clarify things up, I UNPUBLISHED THE HEARTBREAK SERIES WAY BEFORE I STARTED LIKING A NEW LOVETEAM. No, I did not delete Heartbreak Series because I 'hate' KathNiel and no I did not leave the KathNiel fandom because I never really considered myself as a part of it. (Y'all are gonna hate me for that, but I have my reasons.)

Due to demands, I'm bringing the series back. Not because I want to impress your fandom but because my friends told me so. And one reader sent me a long ass message telling me how much the series meant to her and that she'd be happy if I uploaded it back.

Again, I WAS FOURTEEN WHEN I WROTE THIS. You can point out every mistake you see, not that I care. The series is as raw as it can be. I never edited chapters before I published them. This isn't edited at all; there are still lame author's notes at the end of every chapter.

This one's for everyone who believed in my 2013 writing skills, albeit ugly, incomprehensible and cringeworthy. You rule. 💛

- faye xx

Heartbreak GuyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon