Chapter 23

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Natsu POV:
My eyes open to see the ceiling of my bedroom.

Glancing over to my clock, my eyes widen in shock.


"Oh crap!" I shout and scurry out of bed.

Grabbing my uniform and scarf, I rush to get changed.

Once finished, my feet dart to the kitchen to get a quick snack before heading out.

A piece of toast in hand, I race towards the door.

"Bye Mom!" I shout and walk out the door.

Down at the bottom of the steps stands Lucy.

She looks as beautiful as ever, and even more with a cute pink scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Good morning Natsu!" She greets with a wave from her right hand.

"Morning Luce!" I reply as I jump down the stairs.

As we begin to walk, I say, "Seems like that month flew by right?"

"Definitely. I'm just glad to have that cast off!" Lucy exclaims as she examines her right arm.

A grin forms on my lips.

"I'm glad you're happy!" I state.

The month really did go by fast. With school, hangouts with friends, and everything else, everyone forgot that it was almost already December.

But what surprised me the most was that...

I still haven't told Lucy how I feel about her. I haven't worked up enough courage to... no, that's not it. I'm just making excuses... I'm just afraid of her answer if I told her...

"It's crazy that it's going to be December tomorrow." Lucy says as if she was reading my mind.

"Yeah, it's gonna get really cold soon." I respond.

"Yeah, just thinking about all the coldness makes me shiver! But, coldness equals winter, and with winter comes winter break! I think all of us should go somewhere during winter break. Wouldn't that be fun?" Lucy suggests.

"That'd be great! We should ask everyone today." I declare.

"Hopefully they'd be able to do something." She says with a smile.

Just as I was about to say something, Lucy interrupts with coughing.

"You okay?" I ask.

She looks at me with two thumbs up and says, "Yep!"

Together, Lucy and I laugh.

"Okay, whatever you say." I reply with a smile.

Lucy and I continue walking to school, and every once in a while she'll let out a little sneeze along the way.


"You all better be listening because this is gonna be on your mid-term next week!" Mr. Wakaba shouts as he points to a math formula on the board.

Luckily the lunch bell dismisses us from his hellish classroom.

"Alright time to meet the others!" I exclaim.

The lunch room greets me with the smell of cafeteria food and noisy chatter of my fellow classmates.

After getting my food, I walk towards the back of the lunch room.

My friends greet me with smiles.

As I sit next to Lucy, she says, "Alright now that everyone's here, I wanted to ask you all something."

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