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Reverse that frown, tell me more.

Let's rehydrate

off sea, on shore.

The throat is dry, but so is the mind

from endless travails

causing thrashing of disheartening waves.

Let  the mind be unconfined

and speak like the river,

                                                                          so that calm and serene

words can flow free, mesmerize with their depth,

and fill us to the brim with authenticity.

Breathe in bliss, run boundlessly

on cushiony sand.

Laugh, Love, Rehydrate.

Let's undo the knots of misperceptions

and lift some weight off

that tired, heavy heart.

No reasons are superior

to the reasons to smile.

Let's water the thirsty, infinite

trees of universal familiarity.

Prance around in pouring glee.

Reunite the distant voices, calling

from within the parched conscience

and make it rain understanding

in drizzles that never halt.

Value all life forms, swim in laughter.

Drink gallons of tiny joys, feel stress-free after.

Fill up the pool of our lives

with transparent humility.

Let's drown all our woes in it, and

Rejoice, Appreciate, Rehydrate.




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