Dreaded Words

132 44 32

Shaking hands, throbbing head.
Previously dry eyes, turning red.
With shivers and loss of delight,
and elders that don't get my plight,

I was agitated
as I cried and waited
for it to come back.
Its absence came to me as a whack.

Now I have no choice
but to wait, till I rejoice
Its sweet, much-awaited return.
Might as well do some work
as to not burn.

My one reason to exist
is gone, I am losing sense.
Left are the memories together
in hot or cold weather.

I love sitting around
with my love, so profound
of gadgets and tech.
Wouldn't even bother
about my stiff neck.

Three lines later you will feel my pain.
Your peace of mind will wane.
You will scream, as you hear, don't deny,
two dreaded words 'No WiFi!'


Vote and leave a comment if I scared you! XD

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