Deaf Mind

81 28 10

A mind that refuses to comprehend
what it does not accept,
does not accept
what it cannot comprehend.

Lives in a tightly sealed box on its own
below a pile of rigid perceptions.

Don't be apprehensive
If it can't understand your words.
For being so unaccepting,
It is more hurt than you.

You may loathe it
for being judgemental
as it screams from inside that little box
In a shrill, piercing voice.

It throws weightless, hurtful
words of stone at you,
not wanting to realize
your point of view.

The deaf mind's speculative words
don't ask questions.
They know you all too well.
At least that's what they assume.

The hard of hearing brain is against expression.
It listens to its own songs
of self-righteousness
and narcissism.

The box does not welcome sunlight
trying to pour through.
The colorful surroundings are scary
to the mind in that box.

If it were a concert,
the singers would repeat the same song
over and over, and play
instruments that refuse to make new sounds.

Is the mind tired of screaming?
Or screaming because it's tired?
Does the noise get to you?

or does silent treatment work
to bar the feet of that screaming intruder?

The voice becomes distant
if it doesn't get a listener.
It disappears, looking for,
with a weak spot, another ear.

Is the voice still loud?
or have you learnt
to not take it seriously?


Metaphors are such beauties. <3

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