The Cloud That Hides The Sun

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There is a cloud on planet earth,
that dances along with the wind.
It is young and carefree.
Lives in a world created by itself,
for itself.

One fine morning,
the mighty sun shines brightly
all over the earth.
When he sees the cloud, says:

Move aside, you fickle thing!
and let me shine on the exquisite earth
for I am the mighty overlord
who is dreaded by many
but worshipped by all.

Because I am the creator and provider.
The reason all these planets,
my lovable children, exist.
You, a drop in the ocean that I have created.
On meeting a bother like you
I am not so elated.

To which the cloud reacts:

I might be small but I am significant.
When the innocent earth burns from your wrath,
I soothe her
with tiny droplets of life.
I am caring and dependable
for I understand her strife.

At times, I am regretful,
as the places where I didn't go
turned into lifeless deserts
because of you.

I bow before your majesty.
Your influence and competency is universal
but so is your anger.
The inferno that swallows anything that comes across.

The sun listens with a thoughtful expression
and an attentive mind, and says:

I think I understand
where you are coming from, little fellow,
for one has to blaze inside
In order to shine bright,
but arrogance burns your soul.

On this day
you make me recognize
that no entity is insignificant,
for everyone is worth something,
while owning a set of strengths
and weaknesses.

Your life might be smaller than mine,
but your courage to confront me
Is tremendously massive.
Now, I command you
to live by your own values
and I will live with mine.

Let's do what we are meant to do
and make our lives worthwhile.


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