She Can

75 29 7

Hesitant feet moving forward
through the narrow pathway.

Hueless surroundings
closing down upon her.

Telling her to stop, turn around
and run back to the status quo.

She blinks, screams, shouts curses.
The world is still hueless.

She bends, ties her shoelaces
gets up, mutters to herself.

Glares to the front
and starts sprinting, as fast as she can.

With every blink, every step
the path widens.

Mountains, valleys, rivers
start showing up
as fast as tremors used to.
A scream echoes
' there's no inhibition, just me.'

All the colors in the kaleidoscope
explode in the abode
and dye the surroundings
with a heavy downpour.

She is running with determination
In every part of her being,
for she is going to get back
what she has lost.

Not because someone told her to,
but because she knows what she wants
and she knows that
she can.




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