The Lazy Pearl

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"Hey, fellow diver!
Do you see this shell,
barely open, a pearl
is peeping from inside.
It seems scared, but willing
to see the wonders of life.
Should we try getting it out?"

"No! This shell is too strong.
Protecting the pearl, but hampering its growth.
It is more eager
staying in the shell , than coming out
because It is lying there comfortably.
It does not like change.
As change means movement
which is scary for this little pearl
in this infinite ocean."

"I do get your point, fellow diver
but does being scared of
this sea of opportunities
waiting for this tiny pearl,
make any sense?
Does it not know that
it can become stronger
if it gets a few slaps
of this ocean water?"

"I agree with everything you say.
Why don't we try saying that
to the pearl itself?
As far as I can see
it seems disinterested.
It has been dozing off, ever since
we started this conversation.
So, let's hear what our shiny
pretty pearl has to say."

"Alright fellow diver, what you say
makes a lot of sense to me.

"Hey! Mr. Pearl, wake up!
Don't you want to get out of your shell
and see the world's best sights?
Don't you want a shinier, stronger self
from exercise and swimming?
So, get up from your slumber
and tell us if you want out."

"Shut up! You noisy freaks
Did you really have to wake me up
from my beauty sleep?
I appreciate your intentions
but a small, insignificant thing like me
may get lost in the vast ocean.
I do get curious about the world
and its undiscovered wonders
but curiosity gets crushed by
my knack for comfort and immobility.
What's the point In being stronger
if I have to travel
and get slaps from the ocean?
I think I am too young for that.
My beauty may get damaged
from the harshness of the ocean water."

"So, thanks for the offer
but I am better off
lying here in silence,
counting fishes that go by
while appreciating my beautiful self."

"My fellow diver, you were right.
The pearl doesn't want experience.
It is too wary of the world.
Its shell, its home, has trapped it
physically and mentally
and clutched it inside its walls.
What a pity, but we must move on.
There is so much to see, too much to find.
The ocean gets smaller
as we leave our fears behind."

"Let me have the final say,
as I could understand what was going on
inside the head of that shallow pearl
even before we got its opinion.
Must be because it reminds me of my past self.
The self that I would never go back to.
Let's remember it forever.
The lazy pearl."


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