The Art Of Invisibility

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Look at me!
Oh wait, you can't
because I am invisible to your stuffed eyes.
I walk around like a thief in black shades
but I don't want your money.
I just steal your thoughts and plans
and eat them as lunch
I annoy you with my deafening silence
but you will never spot me
I guarantee.

I try getting into your brains
but you are as slow as a snail
so if you try to follow my trail
you will most certainly fail.

As you chatter away among your peers
I creep up in between
to listen to your confidences.
Still, you are too blind to see
the catalyst that is me.

I am the treasure buried somewhere in the future.
A palace made up as a shack,
repelling the feet that look for
comfort in idleness.

Hide and seek is my favorite game.
I hide but you never seek.

While you are stuck in a storm
thinking there is no way out,
with eclectic navigations
I roam about.

I can see you are getting curious
and my mother curiosity kills.
So, before she sets you on fire
you should at least know my name.
After so much puzzling,
not telling would be lame.

Those who know me,
call me
' Never ending opportunities'


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