Animal Or Human?

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Don't scream because
animals can't hear you.
Don't cry because
animals don't sympathize
with anyone, not even themselves.
They go around hurting
scarring and disfiguring themselves
and the world around them.

Don't ask because
animals can't speak,
as a mind unable to frame
answers, frames questions
and answers them itself.

Don't plead because
animals are unaware of
the existence of clemency.
They don't see a soul.
All they see is a machine.
A lifeless piece of equipment.
They try breaking it as
it doesn't conform to them.

Don't talk because
animals are too busy to hear,
spending their precious time
fighting, advocating the argument
that makes little sense
to a healthy mind.

Don't expect because
animals provide, to take away
your sanity, peace of mind
and strength to struggle.

Don't ever try to understand
as animals are pendulums
alternating between extreme ecstasy
and deep depression.
They are good at sharing their grief
as they scatter it all over the place.

Don't negotiate because
they don't believe the truth
that appears to be a lie.

Animals are strong, overpowering
creatures, as their weaknesses
eating them from inside
become the strength of destruction.

Don't scream, don't cry
Don't ask, don't plead
Don't talk, don't expect
Don't understand, and don't negotiate.
Instead, be strong and
learn to love, and forgive
the animal in pain.

Don't see them as inferior
as that is what makes them
the animals that they are.

They are blinded by angst,
struck by overwhelming responsibilities,
wounded because of helplessness
and trapped by an utter lack of alternatives.

Calm them down and
make them see
the beauty of life.
Thank them for challenging you
and making you stronger.
Keep digging their kind side
until they start to discover the human
behind the mask of an animal.


I have nothing against animals! I hope that the metaphor worked out well.
The little star on the side is waiting for a poke! XD

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