Chapter 22 - Najat vs. Zach Round 2

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Najat's P.O.V.

I got up early the next morning and got changed into my everyday clothes. Aqua blue sweater with the Minicon insignia at the front, jean shorts, long black boots just under the knees, and long black biker gloves. I quickly took off out of town and headed for Transformers Valley. It's called Transformers valley because on the night that the cards fell from the sky, this was the number one hot spot where the Minicon cards came down too. But the valley runs so deep down its hard to tell how many will be down there.

I climbed up to the top of one of the mountains and worked my way side stepping across one of the ridges. At the other end of the ridge I worked my way up climbing another steap hill. I pushed my upper body up with all of my strength to climb over a boulder that was attached to the hill, but I lost my balance on one of the rocks I was standing on, and I fell. I tumbled down the hill, and I ended up sliding down right into a deep cave. I finally stopped at the end of the slide, but as I got up a big group of bats flew right by me. I screamed and got down on my hands out of the bats way, but I looked down at the ground to see a bunch of scorpions. I screamed again as I shot myself up from the ground, and took off with a hord of bats flying after me.

Najat: Ahhhh! Someone get me out if here! I hate this place! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I can't find a talking Minicon in this place! Stupid icky bugs, and icky bats!


After hours of searching I finally arrived back home. I just jumped back first onto my bed and just stayed there, totally exhausted.

Najat: Ugh, I can't believe I wasted my ENTIRE day off searching for a Minicon! I have absolutely nothing to show it! Oh well, I'm happy just the way I am. I'm fine battling without a companion, I don't need a talking Transformer....... I'm fine..... Just cause everyone else has one.....


Madalyn: I'd sure like to throw down and see who's tougher huh Optimus? We could show'em what a real team brawls like!

Optimus: Yes, sounds great!


Najat: But the, truth is...... I want a Transformer to talk to more than anything! More than anything in the world!

I buried my head in my hands and just cried my eyes out.

???: Najat....

I stopped crying when I heard a voice. It sounded human, but it had an edge to it. Like an animal type edge.

???: I'm here....

Najat: Huh?

???: I'm here for you.

Najat: For me?

I looked up at the bookshelf to see a Transformers card next to my cowboy toy. It's hologram appeared and it looked like a black and grey mechanical hound with missile shoulder mounds attached to its hips.

???: Like you, I've longed for a companion. I began to despair that it would never come to be. But finally a pure, censer, voice reaches out to me. Your voice.

I jumped of the bed and looked up at the Transformer.

Najat: I, think I get it. Till now, I wasn't being honest with myself. My voice wasn't pure, and honest enough to be heard by you. But you were there!

???: The bearer that prevented us has gone. I feel as if I've known you for ages. Though we've only just met.

Najat: Yes! It's like we're best friends already! My name is Najat. May I ask what your name is?

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