Chapter 4 - Can You Please Talk?

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

Madalyn: I don't get it. I thought Transformers was just a game. Looks like there's more to it than meets the eye. And I gotta find out what!


Later that night....

I was back at home up in my room at my computer desk. For the past half an hour I was trying to get my Optimus card to talk. But so far, nothing! Nada! Zilch!

Madalyn: Okay if you're in there, talk to me. Cause I wanna get to the bottom of this.

I stared at the card for a few seconds and nothing. Just utter silence.

Madalyn: Aw man! This is totally pointless! It's just a game card! But I heard it! I swear it actually talk!

I tapped it with my finger a couple times then held it to my ear. Still nothing. I tried both again, and silence.

Madalyn: I thought I heard it talking, didn't I? Oh boy, I'm losing my mind.

I checked one more time and then I just gave up.

Madalyn: But I'm sure! I heard it. Ah, no biggy.

I got up from my desk and place my Optimus card on the window sill next to my bed.

Madalyn: But, seeing as you're Optimus Prime, I think I'll call you O.P. for short for a little nickname. Or maybe I should just call you Optimus. I'll figure it out later. Goodnight buddy, time to hook up to the web.

I walked back to my desk and turned on my laptop and set up the website.

Madalyn: I can't believe I actually thought it talked. I should really start laying off the orange sodas.

I brought up with video chat to see Emanuel, Selina, Najat, and Iestyn waiting for me.

Emanuel: Maddie! You're there!

Madalyn: Hey guys! You're not gonna believe this, but I was brawling with a guy named Gabriel when I thought I heard my Transformer talk!

Selina: No way! You too?

Madalyn: What do you mean Selina? You saying someone else heard it too?

Najat: You should log on to the Transformers website! It's what everyone's talking about Madalyn!

I logged on to the website, and entire blogs, videos, tweets, everything in the social media was talking about it! You name it and they had it.

Madalyn: *gasp* It did talk! Maybe the Transformers world has more to it then we thought!


The next day....

Emanuel's P.O.V.

I was walking to school through the park while trying to get one of my Transformers cards to talk. It was happening to Madalyn and everyone else but not me.

Emanuel: This is so annoying! How come Madalyn's Transformer talks and you don't? Well? How come?

I stopped by the swing sets and tapped the image of the card on my Transformers tablet.

Emanuel: Come on! Say something! I know your inside there!..... At least I think.

I kept tapping it but no luck.

Emanuel: Come on! Say something!

Then all of a sudden there was a huge rush of wind like from a very bad rain storm. It swung the swings around and around.

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