Chapter 11 - Second Chances

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Madalyn's P.O.V.

After school, it was still raining. But I didn't care. I walked home in the rain, without an umbrella.

Madalyn: Aw, I'm such a jerk! I haven't learn anything! In the battle with Colin, I thought I could win with brute force.


Optimus: Power of the Primes!

Optimus fired a fireball at Headstrong.

Matthew: Now I got you!

The game card lit up with a blue light.

Madalyn: Ah! What is that?

Matthew: Heh, heh, heh.

Headstrong raised his fist in the air, and punched the fireball with his hands, sending it back to Optimus and striking him in the chest.

Optimus: Ugh!

There was black smoke everywhere in the battlefield. When the smoke finally lifted, Optimus fell lifelessly to the ground.

Madalyn: Optimus!

(End of Flashback)

I stopped on the sidewalk and let my head down.

Madalyn: Aw man! I was wrong! I shouldn't have put Optimus on the line like that!


Optimus: You don't understand Madalyn. They can't come back! All transformers are alive, but the ones who fall into the Cybertronian Underworld are gone! They will never come back.

(End of Flasback)

Madalyn: I was just brawling like it was some sort of game! And I didn't care about what would happen to my Transformers! I only cared about myself!


Madalyn: It's over!

I threw Optimus's card out of my hands and he splashed into the river.

(End of Flashback)

As I was walking home, I realized I was walking across the bridge. The exact same bridge I was on when I battled Matthew Johnson. The same bridge, that I threw Optimus into the river!

Madalyn: Optimus!

I ran to the middle of the bridge and looked over the railing and down at the river. I desperately looked around for him but no luck. I knew I had to get closer. I ran off the bridge and ran down the hill next to it, and jumped into the river. The water was up to my knees. I got on my knees and pushed water, pebbles, and rocks out of my way.

Madalyn: Optimus! Optimus, where are you?!


Optimus's P.O.V.

Optimus: How could it have come to this? I choose to battle in this world to save Cybertron. But now.....


Madalyn: We're a team right? We work together! Remember the day we made that deal?

(End of Flashback)

Optimus: I was unfair to her. I am sorry.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

As I was searching for Optimus, a car was passing by on a road at the top of the hill. The lights from the car, flashed something that was in the river.

Madalyn: Wait a minute...

I ran to where the light flashed the object and I began looking around.

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