⊱Chapter 40 🗡The King's Blade ⊰

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"You are anything but weak." I glance back up to the King as his stare never wavered. "Now sleep. You have been through a great ordeal." Nodding, I close my eyes. Succumbing to the darkness pressing in on me.

Later light flooded my vision, overwhelming me at first. Over time they adjusted. Letting me see clearly, my room in the Dragon castle coming into focus. I was still groggy but feeling better than before. A blush crept onto my face making it warm as I recalled the memory.

Feeling a warm bundle press closer to my side I glance down to see Serina pressed into me. She was the reason I had survived as long as I did. Without her I probably would have died from the amount of blood I had lost. Gratitude flooded through my side of the bond for her as I ran a hand over her scales.

My door squeaked open as a figure let herself in. She cocked her hips as she gave a playful glare, "Ah, you are finally awake. Thanks for giving me a heart attack. That was really super."

A sheepish smile slipped onto my lips in response, "Sorry about that." I sat up stretching out my limbs, working out the stiffness within them.

"Up sleepy head, you have things to do and places to be." Elysia pulled up to my feet handing me a bundle of clothes to put on.

"Already? I thought that I would be bed ridden for a while longer." I commented. Pulling the shirt over my head.

"Avian." I turned back to her when she called my name. "You were out for several days. Both yours and Serina's energies were severally depleted. You were at the brink of no return. Serina separated from you only last night." Her expression solemn as she delivered the news.

"Several days?" It was hard to wrap my mind around that piece of information.

Elysia nodded, "The King hasn't left your side once. Not until Serina separated from you. Your family is out on the practice field sparing with a few of the soldiers, they knew you would pull through. I am going to go back out there. Come join us when you are finished getting ready." She smiled at me, "It really is good to have you back among of the living." Closing the door behind her, giving me some privacy.

"I am also glad you are alright, dear one." Serina yawned from her position on the bed.

Heading back over to the bed I pick her up and embrace her small form. "I am grateful to you, Serina. Without you I doubt I would have survived. So thank you."

"We are in this together. I would do it again in a heartbeat." Serina nuzzled my neck purring. "Now I must go hunting. Healing your wounds took a lot out of me." She nuzzled once more then took off, flying out of the dragon exit.

While she was out hunting I headed to the practice field. Without notice I was almost tackled down onto the ground. The culprits hugging the life out of me. "Avian! You're awake!" Dax and Jake coursed together.

Laughing I wrap my arms around them. My new friends chuckling behind the pair. "This place is amazing!" Dax went on after he let me go. Both of the boys stepping aside to let my friends wrap me up in their own hugs.

"That it is." I agree as I pull out of the triplets embrace.

Elysia pulled on my arm, pulling me out from the middle of the group, "You have to go to the weaponry. Rosin needs you." She then walked up to Dax poking him in the chest, grinning up at him. "Now for you, let's see what you are made of." She pulled out her weapon heading for one of the practice rings, Dax following behind.

Shaking my head at her antics I do as she says. Heading for the weaponry where the head black smith was located. "Avian, my child! Good to see you finally out and about! Heard you had some nasty wounds upon you when the King carried you in." Rosin bellows as she sees me enter.

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