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Monique Brown

Los Angelos California


Chresanto and I have always been close. since the fist grade when he found me sitting alone. Ever since then we've been besties.

11 years ago...

I was sitting at the top of the slide.

"um are you okay" a boy asked an I lifted my head.

"yeah just lonely" I admitted

"care if I join you" he asked and I shook my head.

"what's your name" he asked

"Monique and you"

"Chresanto, and Ima call you Mo.. also I have a question?"


"we're in the 1st grade why are you at the park by yourself"

"I don't know I just guess nobody care they didn't some looking for me"

" oh really.. well they sent me to find you 'cuz you momma worried sick"


"yeah now lets get back to class"

He slid down the slide and I followed him. when I got down he threw his arm over my shoulder.

"lets go best friend" he said and we kept walking. Chres and I did everything together. And he stood up for me. In 4th grade I developed feelings for him but I couldn't tell him because it would ruin or friendship. things were all good....

That was until he left me when we were thirteen.

Present day... 2013

I haven't seen him since then. I've manged to see for my self those four years but when he became famous... he forgot about me. I've been bullied, raped and abuse. I'm happy that my suppose to be best friend made something out his self. But he left me, with out even saying good bye.

That hurt me. I thought he was my best-friend. He left with out even saying good bye. But where is he now....


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