--------Authors Note--------

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This authors note is just to go over a few things. The information will be outdated very soon, so this is more towards the people who are reading the story now (March 15th and beforehand when it first came out). But feel free to read if you'd like! Alrighty, back on track.

First off, this story has 500 views and 50 votes as of today (March 15th). Holy crap?!?!?! Thank you guys so much for reading and voting! It means so much to know that the content I'm providing entertains you guys and you guys enjoy it! I always think I'm doing terrible but after reading the stats of this book and how it's doing, I'm starting to feel confident!

Second off, I just wanted to dedicate part of this note to my good friend Matthew. Yes, I'm talking about Matthew from the Warblers in this story! He is actually based off a real life best friend of mine (he's also like a brother to me) who has helped me with the story whenever I'm in writers block. (Also, so is Angie! She is also a real life friend!). I'm so excited to get to grow Matthew in this story! If you're reading this Matthew, love you babes!

Third off, I'd love to see feedback from you guys! Seeing the votes and reads does say alot, but I'd love to also see your guy's opinions and thoughts on the chapters and the story in general! I usually reply to all, so maybe we can have a conversation! I want to be able to make you guys happy! Of course, it's free will, so it's up to you if you want to comment, but it is appreciated!

Not much I had to go over, but I didn't feel like speratically writing these authors notes over the course of the next few chapters, so I just wanted to combine it all into this! I'm sorry if you guys hate these, I try to keep these at a minimum. New and exciting things are coming up in the story, and I can't wait to release them! I love you guys so much, you all mean the world to me. I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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