Meeting the Shinsengumi

Start from the beginning

The next one had brown hair that angled his face and the rest pulled into a small ponytail. His eyes were a light green. Wore a long red kimono shirt about mid thigh, green shorts to the knees, black shirt underneath, white wrap on lower legs, white cloth around his waist holding two swords on his left side, and sandals.

I looked past the three men that circled around me to see that we were surrounded by Ayakashis.

"Miss," I looked to see that it was man with the blackish-green hair. "you need to leave. We'll handle things here." I just stared at him, then took off as soon as the Ayakashis went to attack. How could three men handle that many Ayakashis?

My mind was blank as I ran. I follow the river to the village. We still have a ways to go, but I hope the girls got to the village safely. A tight squeeze to my kimono top, made me aware that Soji was still with me. I have to keep him safe no matter what.

As I ran, I didn't see the tall Ayakashis that had long razor claws sneak up to me. All I saw was a dark ashy blur, then a sharp stinging pain in my side. I felt the air whip around my body, as I sailed in the air towards the river. The next thing I knew was that something cold and wet surrounded me.

I quickly remembered that I still had Soji in my arms. I swam the best I could to the surface, with my side and leg stinging. Once we broke the surface, I gasped for air, as did Soji.

"Soji, I need you to get on my back and hang on tightly." I was able to get Soji on my back, and I tried swimming to the edge to get out but the current was too strong. There were rocks in the way, and I tried to grab onto a rock, but the rock was really slippery.

My body was growing tired as I tried to fight the current, and stay above the surface. I saw there was a tree that was hanging off down towards the river. As we got closer I grabbed onto a branch.

"Soji, you need to climb onto this branch. Once your on the branch climb up until you get on the bank, Okay?" I saw him shake his head.

"No, me stay with you." He was scared.

"I know buddy, but you'll be safe here rather than in the river. Please buddy I'm growing tired and can't hold on much longer. I promise, someone will find you." After a moment of hesitation, Soji began to climb on my shoulder up the branch.

Once he was on the branch and climbed up onto the bank, he stayed next to the tree hidden. I smiled as he listened to my directions. My grip was slipping and I tried to hold on, but my body gave way and flowed with the current.

It was hard staying above the water, but I managed until my body hit a really hard surface. I heard shouting in the distance, but was muffled as I went under. Exhaustion took over and my body began to sink towards the bottom.

I heard something plunge into the water, then something grabbed my arm. I felt us break the surface, and I was pulled towards a certain direction. I felt like I was in the air, then shortly after I was met with the hard ground.

"Princess?" I heard a familiar voice say. I barely opened my eyes to see amber eyes staring down at me.

"Go..e..mon.." I said.

"Come on princess, stay awake.." My eyes were slowly drifting shut.


"What? What are you talking about? Tree?" Goemon was confused.

"Tree..." I pointed back down the river where the tree was. "Soji...hiding" then I blacked out.

~~~~(Goemon's POV)~~~~
"Soji...hiding" then she went limp in my arms. I was confused as to what the princess was talking about. Soji? Then it hit me, Soji was the little boy that was always glued to the princess's side.

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