( ̄^ ̄)ゞ Monthly Rant ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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Hey guys today's first rant is with GotNutime4CHU ✌A.K.A Koca... And the other two...


Today's rant;




Because of course he is like one of Humanity's last hope against the Titans like Eren here.

And we have like a trillion billion fans saying he can't die you know?

Fan #79: Levi can't dieeeeee!! T^T

Fan #711: LEVI IS LYFE LEVI IS LOVE  (`∧')

Fan #5384: LEVI I LOVE YOU (T ^ T)


Koca runs for her life as fan #94628 is on the lose with a knife on stage. Stage boy #1 tries to help her but gets knocked out, Stage Boy #2 tries to help and tackles her to the ground. After Koca kicks Fangirl off stage she sits back down.

Well, we also have that we are well aware of that our creator of AOT, that is like... "I can kill your fave character anytime." To us and we are like "SENPAI NOOOOOO!!!"

Ok so off topic, but seriously, there is like no way to describe why we can't have Levi die, he is like one of the last hopesssss. Levi is an amazing killer, he lost so many people already, and I know you guys don't want him to die because he has Eren and Mikasa and Armin and everyone else.

We all get the feeling of having that One FvCkIng character not to die, it's like Yona of the Dawn or Akame Ga Kill and Shiz. Honestly, I also am a Levi fan and stuff, I was eternally screaming when I heard they were plotting him to die, I got in trouble in homeroom for a crying and screaming for Levi not to die and all.

But I just want to say, I really hate when your fave character is going to die and you know it, it just pisses me off. But though I will not drop the series because of its plot and or characters.

We all like Levi, or I don't know, but Levi can not die here! Levi is a character that people love! Like seriously, those fans I had to taser and tie to a electric chair.

Koca points to 748 people tied to an electric chair knocked out there.

Stage girl: Cough I did the work cough

Shut up stage girl we don't need your crap!

Anyways, my rant turned completely like crap and stuff, but please I hope you agree with me because we really do need Levi in Attack On Titan. Koca bows. Bye! Chaw!

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