"Know what" he said not following.

"The Italian Kitchen. What made you pick it?"

"Well I remember you telling me it was your favorite place to eat so I worked my magic and got reservations" he said proudly.

"That's so sweet Grant. Thank you. It's been a while since I've gone out with someone for fun like this."

Jen the last time you went out, other than seeing Josh today, was when you went out with Colin. You should be at the hospital with him not with Grant, he needs you Jen. My conscience was telling me as we arrived at our destination.

Tonight isn't about Colin.

Colin's POV

I finished talking with Professor Liam and headed to my next class - Biology.

The ever present damp stench in the air filled the hallway as I made my way to my lockers. It wasn't a top of the line school but I was getting a proper education. The posters and vandalism inscripted on the walls give the school an eery feel. Not to mention the doors that are in dire need of WD-40.

I was almost at my lockers, one more turn. I turned the corner and was met with a fist to the face.

"Bloody hell what was that for!?" I half-screamed at the jerk responsible for my injury that was now forming a bruise.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you walking there" he chuckled and snickered at me.

"Leave me alone" I said meekly as I began to pick up my books that were now open and scattered across the floor.

"Ooo ya hear that fellas? The crocodile's got teeth."

I tried to stand up but he grabbed me by the shoulder and shoved me down again.

"I didn't tell you to stand up."

"And I didn't ask your permission to" I whipped back at him with a victorious smolder.

This time he grabbed me by the collar and hoisted me up to a standing position.

"Listen punk I'm the one who-"

"It's Colin actually, not punk. Sorry continue what you were saying that was very rude of me to interrupt." I said sarcastically. "Wasn't expecting that were ya? Well listen I've changed my perspective on bullies like you and you know what solution I came up with? Don't know? Well I'll tell ya, if I show any vulnerability or weakness because of your physical and verbal abuse then it gives you an advantage. But if I lighten the mood by sarcastic language then you won't have any reason to fight me."

He was furious at this point. He tightened his grip on my collar and put his arm in punching position. The steam was coming from his ears and his eyes were pits of fire.

"And cut"

"Excuse me?" He asked very agitated.

"I guess you don't know much about filming. Well when they shoot a scene and they are ready to end it, a.k.a cut it, they say cut it."


"Oh well you got the part, congratulations!"

He looked confused and pissed.

"This was all part of the act right or was I given the wrong script. It says that you were trying out for the role of Hades and by golly you've done it. I mean the hatred and anger seeping through your features was absolutely fantastic. For a second you had me thinking you were actually gonna punch me. All you need now is the special affects team to add the blue hair and you're good to go."

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