Sighing deeply, she took out her still life assignment that was due by the end of class and set to work shading areas that needed more detail, forcing herself to quiet her thoughts. She touched up details and found comfort in the soothing sound of other students working on their projects. Pencils met paper and brushes stroked away at easels, the room smelled crisp with possibilities. She loved being able to create what she wanted, shaping her ideas onto paper and taking pride in her passion. When she was content with what she had accomplished, she signed it with her abstract signature that she always engraved on her masterpieces and gave it one last thorough examination. Her wild signature was barely intelligible, the jagged lines scratched in such contrast that it made little sense, but it was her unique imprint.

Lauren turned her assignment in and returned to her seat. Left with about five minutes of free time, she flipped through her sketches idly when she came across a sketch that was unattached to her book. She held the cover of the book protectively while she peered down at her creation, concealing it from anyone's view. Camila Cabello's alluring eyes stared back at her from the page. Lauren would never admit it to anyone, but this was a sketch she had spent lots of time on. It was undeniably stunning and the look Lauren had captured on Camila's face was incredibly striking. The shapes on the sketch were obviously made with great precision and care. Lauren felt proud, admiring her work and tucking it tenderly back into her book as the bell rang out alerting the students that school was through.

While everyone rushed to make their ways home Lauren lazily collected her things and walked to the gym to watch Dinah practice. The two had become used to a regular schedule where Lauren would sit and work on sketching while Dinah practiced and then Dinah would drive Lauren home and they would spend the rest of the day together, most times curled up on Lauren's bed with a surplus of snacks and Lauren's laptop. While binging Netflix was their favorite activity, they would sometimes find themselves on an adventurous grocery store or art supply run. Lauren always had fun with Dinah whether they were exploring or bumming it at home and she looked forward to the moment they could escape school together, roll the windows down, and blast their favorite music as they passed the world by. Dinah was that amazing best friend that always made her laugh and seemed to make her forget any worries she had. Not that they had never had their arguments or tough moments, but Dinah had always wound up being her favorite person. The one person she knew she could rely on.

Entering the gym Lauren immediately found her favorite person facing off against Normani. She smirked watching Dinah in her element. The tall blonde was hunkered down, brow set in concentration, complete focus on guarding Normani's offensive onslaught.

Lauren watched with pride as Dinah leapt at the same time Normani attempted to shoot and spiked the ball down before it could even begin its trajectory. Dinah's face lit up in triumph and she jogged over to retrieve the ball from where it had bounced. When she noticed Lauren taking her usual seat on the bleachers her face broke out in a gleaming smile and she waved before returning to her defensive position in front of a weary looking Normani.

Lauren pulled out her sketchbook and turned to a page filled with running figures. The basketball players on her paper had yet to take on more detail than their energetic stances and so she set to work on giving each of them faces and expression. The time passed quickly as she worked and she took breaks to watch Dinah play, admiring her friend's athletic ability. Normani looked exhausted near the end of the practice and Dinah was basically running circles around her. She was always humble though, never taunting Normani when she out played her but encouraging her friend and giving her pointers. She noticed that Dinah had taken the girl under her wing and really helped her improve, always picking Normani to train with. Whenever Normani out stepped Dinah and managed to get a basket Dinah commended her generously, clearly proud at her progress.

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