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Anime Magazines Issue #1

Theme; Attack On Titan

🤔 What's this about?

Well it's about a magazine about things like facts, for laughs, or for even just random-- yeahs it's just that... Oh we also change themes of the issue every month btw so get ready!

😎 Wanna just like help out with a magazine, and be cool and amazing and all or just learn new facts and all? PM or DM us at WattPad here or in Instagram as @Anime._.Magazines

So nothing much to say right now... OH

GotNutime4CHU ; Hey! I'll be some of your main writer here, I'm Koca so HAIIIIIIIIIII 😜🌚

SoPunkRock5sos ; I'll be writing most of the things as well as Koca, call me Ria! Hope you enjoy btw it was my idea

(Koca: Shut up I made the account


@Needmoreicecream ; HAIII!! Call me Emmi! I'm just as well just... You know... Writing... YEAH! See yeah and enjoy and stuff...

(Koca: Awkward af dude

Ria: LOL *rofling*

Emmi: Oh just shut up)

👌🏻 Anyways hope you like this and stuff, Koca was kinda inspired to make this account by NarutoMagazine so giving them a shout out and read their magazine! It's so amazing I couldn't stop reading it!

✌🏻️ Also I heard about a Fairy Tail one as well right here  FairyTail_Magazine  Hope you guys give that magazine a chance as well

🙌 Heard about OnePiece_Magazine Check it out if you like One Piece or just want you know, try it out and let's see if it's good and stuff like that because your friends are annoying you and telling you to watch this anime and that anime and stuff kayyyy!

🤘 Don't forget about Otaku_Magazine Just realized a magazine close to ours but oh well, they were here first but we are just slightly different don't forget to follow and read these peoples magazines because I know you won't regret it Kay!

✊ Anyways without farther ado hope you guys like this first issue of Anime Magazines and the next, hope you like the--(notices just repeating itself) Have a great read about this you Ota-COOL fans!

Anime Magazine Issue #1Where stories live. Discover now