Sweeter Than Love

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The tone of the conversation during dinner is kept light for Briley. A barely four year old girl shouldn't have to listen to the deeper points of our city's shortcomings.

"I'm done eating, Meemaw. Look, it's all gone!"

"Good job, Bri. How about you wash your hands and go play in your room?" It's Lucas's mother who suggests it, but everyone has been waiting for Briley to finish dinner so we can discuss actual matters.

Briley scampers off without another word. Moments later, water from the bathroom signals she's washing up. Within a minute, we can hear her playing with toy cars in her bedroom.

"So, we're all adults here," Begins Lucas's dad, "Why the hell have you not done anything to get back at the people who hurt Jess?"

That wasn't unexpected. When Luc told me how his father reacted over the phone, I figured the topic would come up.

Lucas opens his mouth to defend himself.

"Hold on, now," his dad raises a hand,  "I'm not mad at you. But why have you done nothing to rectify the situation?"

Lucas pulls in a deep breath. Unconsciously, he slips his hand into mine. With his other hand, he scratches his chin, wincing slightly when his nail grazes a scab. "Well, Dad. The powers that be said they would kill Jess if I retaliated in any form."

I stifle a gasp. It's nothing that he hasn't already told me, but it still stings to hear it spoken.

"That's not shocking." His dad frowns, itches his stubble.

"Lucas, what are you going to do when the city gets domed off?" This time his mother is the one to speak.

"I'd thought about moving away before that happened." He looks down at his lap. I squeeze the hand I'm holding.

"I thought that I taught you never to run from your problems, son." His dad's voice is low and gravelly, edged with disapproval.

I watch Lucas's expression change from receptive and listening to cold and stony. The gray in his blue-green eyes is standing out. "Well. I'd rather not lose my best friend and my family in a fell swoop. If you had let me finish what I was saying, I would have told you that I'm planning on taking all of you with me and fighting from the outside after the dome goes up."

"That's a good way to get yourself shot, Lucas."

Something in his expression snaps and I can tell he's going to say something he'll regret if I or his mother don't intervene.

"What if I was the one who retaliated?" Three pairs of eyes focus on my face. I swallow uncomfortably. "I could pretend I couldn't reconnect with Luc after they wiped me. That would make them happy. I could get a job as a secretary or something so I could get inside information and also screw with the government."

I'm met with silence.

"Absolutely not." Lucas turns abruptly and stares into my eyes. His hand tightens around my fingers. I blink at his intensity.

The words never leave my mouth, "I supported you. Now, you can support me."

Immediately, Lucas's father puts a hand on his son's arm. Lucas starts and looks at his dad.

"The old truck has been giving me some trouble. Maybe, you could come out to the garage and look it over with me."

There isn't a question in his tone.  Luc's dad is keeping peace between us right now.

"Of course." Lucas slips his hand from mine and follows his dad out the back door.

His mother and I stare at each other for a minute before she comes around the table and hugs me.

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