"What about your hopes and dreams? What did you aspire to be?"

"Well, now I'm going to sound shallow, I'm afraid." I gave a small laugh. "Like I said, I was content with my life and for whatever reason I didn't dwell much on my plans for the future. I was more interested in the immediate future, like getting my license or being able to date and go to dances and such. Occasionally I'd think about what I wanted to do after I graduated and continued my education in college. To be honest, I always imagined my self meeting someone and getting married."

"And what were you planning on studying while you were away at college?"

"I was leaning toward working in medicine like my mom, perhaps nursing or something else in the medical field. I hadn't really made up my mind. I figured I'd concentrate on getting my general studies out of the way first and hope a direction became clearer to me during that," I replied with a shrug. "I always enjoyed mixing things in science class too. I wouldn't have minded trying something out in the research field."

"You're young." He gave me an encouraging look. "You can still try all the stuff you want to. You have plenty of time."

"Maybe." I stared off over the treetops. "But first I need to finish high school, and we need to get things straightened out with you. You're my number one priority right now. I want to help you get your memory back somehow."

"Let's talk about the memories you gave me."

"Alright, go ahead," I replied, happy he wanted to discuss things.

"Well, I spent a lot of the night pondering over them after you had fallen asleep," he admitted.


"I think you're right. I am him," he stated matter-of-factly, and my heart skipped a beat at the declaration. "I'm not trying to get your hopes up. I don't remember things, but I can feel some of those emotions associated with the memories. The more I think about them, the stronger they grow. They're definitely my feelings. I can tell because they're vibrating through me."

This explained why he seemed so much like his normal self this morning.

"I have no idea if any of my memories will ever come back to me, but I wanted you to be aware I'm happy to be here . . . with you." He placed his hand over mine.

"I'm glad," I replied with a genuine smile, enjoying the warmth of his skin. "I really do want you to be happy."

He nodded. "I know you do." He gave my fingers a squeeze, before he jumped to his feet. "Let's go for a walk," he added, offering his hand to me.

I placed mine in his and he pulled me up. He released me briefly, only to change his position, interlacing his fingers with mine and a tiny thrill passed through me. I was like a little girl on her first date, when the guy she's nuts over finally reaches over and holds her hand. It was crazy and exhilarating!

We walked together on the large stone slab, heading toward the tree line, but he stopped suddenly.

"This is right where the binding spell was performed, isn't it?" He glanced around.

I nodded, knowing he recognized the spot from my memory.

"So if I'm him, then we're still bound together right?" he asked, looking at me seriously.

"Oh, Vance," I replied with a sigh, allowing myself to lean against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder. "I love you. I'm sorry. I know I agreed to treat you as a completely different individual, but I can't. You're still the same person to me, even without the memories."

He pushed me back so he could look at me when I continued.

"I notice it in the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you move. Everything you do is so . . . you. Please forgive me for not keeping my end of our deal. But it's like asking me to believe you never existed. I can't do it." I searched his eyes for his response.

"It's okay, baby," he replied, and I didn't miss the use of his traditional pet name for me. He pulled me closer to him. "I understand now."

He stroked a palm over my hair and down my back. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed being close to him in this way.

"Portia, look at me," he said, and I lifted my head up toward him. He moved his hands so each one was placed under the sides of my chin. "I want to kiss you," he said softly. "Is that okay?"

I nodded, staring up into his eyes. "You don't ever have to ask me," I replied, watching him. "My lips have always been yours to kiss."

Dipping his head in, he kissed me sweet and gentle. His mouth moved tenderly over mine and I closed my eyes savoring it. He lifted his lips to kiss both of my eyelids, my cheeks, and even the tip of my nose before he returned back to my mouth.

He deepened the contact this time, and I slid my arms around his neck. Pulling our bodies tighter together, I felt myself turning to molten liquid in his embrace, my emotions coursing through me while our mouths moved in perfect unison. He finally drew away and he rested his forehead against mine.

"Look at me."

Opening my eyes, I stared into his beautiful blue ones. His gaze trailed slowly over the features of my face before he spoke again. "I love you, Portia," he said in a hushed voice. "I don't know how or why, but I do."

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