Bickering about me? You shouldn't have.

Start from the beginning

"How long was I out?" I asked Damon, ignoring the others still shocked expressions.

"Well, you were out the whole way back. I couldn't get any blood into your system though," he answered, frowning.

Knowing his driving I've only been out for a couple of hours.

"Right then, thanks, I guess." I got up and stretched, looking down I realised my clothes were just about in shreds. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I'll be right back." I muttered, disappearing upstairs into the room I had here.

I had left a few clothing pieces behind, fortunately that came in my favour.

Five minutes later I stepped out of the shower. I had scrubbed myself clean of any blood on my body and in my hair and changed into the pair of flesh clothes.

I appeared at the Salvatore's blood supply, drinking a few bags before I decided I was good again.

I leisurely made my way upstairs and into the living room, where I leant against the entry. I was yet to be noticed.

I frowned, noticing the looks Elena gave Damon every like, four seconds. It was sort of a longing and pained expression.

What had gone on before he had came to me in the Grill that day? Damon ignored her and instead stared into the fire with a glass of Bourbon in his hand.

I coughed, getting their attention. Jesus, talk about a stare down.

"Oh uhm..." Caroline stumbled with her words, obviously nervous with me standing in the room. I smirked at her, rolling my eyes.

"Relax guys, I'm in a good mood. I'm not going to like lash out and kill you or something," I mused, chuckling.

Caroline smiled almost awkwardly. "Thank god."

It was an tense several seconds before I decided to make the first move of departure. "How fun, so I'm leaving now. A bit to awkward for my liking here." I made my way toward the front door.

"Wait!" I froze, slowly turning around to face them again.

"Yeah?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did you do it?" I frowned at Elena, not understanding her or her words. The hell is that supposed to mean, do Doppelgangers have their own language now? For the love of chips.

"What are you on about?" Wow, how weird did Elena get, I thought.

"I mean, why did you save Damon." She corrected. "You could've left him there. I mean, it's not like you care for us anymore."

My eyes narrowed before I appeared in front of her, I lent in close, to prove my significant point. "Who do you think I am Elena?" I spat.

"I-I-" She blinked shock.

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm completely heartless!" I growled, Elena just stared wide eye at me, as did everyone else. "I could care less if you died. But out of all of you idiots, Damon hasn't bugged me lately. You were not in New Orleans, so do not question, my actions. Would you rather me be cold?"

"No no!" She said quickly, shaking her head.

I snarled, stepping away from her. "Don't think this, kindness? Is permanent. I am Klaus's sister after all." I turned around before pausing, I glanced back. "I am my own person. If I feel like it I can be nice... Generally I'm not but I could be. Thanks for the entertainment Damon."

Talk about bipolar Aria, good one.


Damon's POV

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