Chapter 37 |Ian Whitemore

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Without warning, Hugh felt himself moving backwards from the sudden shove and the door slammed close. He didn't move, but slowly regain his senses as he started to register the voices behind the door.

"-finally coming home, huh?" A slurry female voice filled with bitterness drifted into his ears.

"I'm not here to stay, mum. I'm leaving." Ian's determined voice came to him. For some reason, that made him smile.

"To where? To the tent you call home?" a high-pitched laugh reverberated throughout the house. Then, it abruptly stopped. "Yes, I see that you're here to get your things. Not that I mind, but you're not going to live that long if you're staying outside permanently. You're going to get robbed before you know it, and if, with any luck, you might get what you wished for after all this time, becoming a whore and a cum dumpster."

The bull was momentarily struck back merely by those words. It wasn't the content of her speech that caught him off guard. No, he didn't even have the will to thoroughly interpret her words. If that women was really his mother, how could she said something cruel and immoral like that to her own son?

"Oh, look who's talking?" Ian's stern and sarcastic tone filled his head. "The one who dressed up with a dangerously thin tank top, a mini skirt, and knee high boots criticising me about being cheap? No, I'll never be like you, mum! Not ever!"

He thought he heard the lady snickered, and sounds of footstep echoed away from the door, Ian's footstep. Risking himself, he hastily went to the door and slowly, gently, turned the doorknob and opened the door slightly ajar. Ian was staring in one direction with a furious gaze, fur bristling and his free hand clenched in a fist by his side. A slight shift revealed a sandy brown fur with thick bushy tail. Another concentrated glance jolted his memory of the previous night. She, Ian's mother, was the same woman who tried and failed to seduce him last night.

"Oh, please. I'm not that cheap! I don't just give my own body for free. I charge at a certain amount. How do you think we survived all these years?"

"For goodness sake! I'm the one who had been paying the bills!" the snow leopard snapped. "I've worked hard all these years, alternating between my school works and part-time jobs just to make sure that we have a roof on top of our head and food to eat! While you wasted your money you "earned" on nothing but drugs!"

"Hmm..., now that you mention it, how did you get so much money to support both of us, I wonder? I doubt that part-time job is enough to cover them up." An idea came to her as she snapped her fingers exaggeratingly. "Oh wait, it seems I was wrong about you. You didn't just become cum dumpster for guys, they paid for you as well for giving them what they want. Ha!" she grinned in triumph when Ian visage turned into a snarl.

"Well, thanks for helping me all these time, I appreciate it, really. But don't call me cruel, Ian. You're still nothing but a faggot," she spatted out. "It's only natural that you lust after so many men, and I bet that you don't even care if they just shove you into an alley and fuck you right there and then."

"Why you!" Hugh saw Ian was gritting his teeth now, ready to pounce on his own mother. He himself was trying to supress his own rage, at the very edge of storming out and pound the mouthful fur senseless.

However, before he could initiate anything, Ian cut in, rage filled his voice, but he detected a pang of sadness in it.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm bi, not gay? And you're my mother, I tried to show you that I love you despite everything, why did you shove me away like this, why?"

"Correction, my dear son," the fur held a finger up, effectively silencing him. "One, being bi doesn't change the fact that you're after guys as well. And two, I'm not your mother, but your step-mother, remember? And three, someone like you don't deserve any love. You should just burn in hell."

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