Chapter 16 |Beach House- Part 1

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Hey everyone, Trey's here. I just want to inform everyone that I decided to add titles beside the chapters. I just got the idea after reading a few stories in Wattpad, and I think it's good to have titles for each chapter. I'll add titles for the previous chapters too. That's all from me today, thank you everyone.

First term holiday has arrived. The school was vacant except for the janitors and teachers that went back to do their jobs, including some students that were diligent enough to return to school. For Josh and Dan, their parents had special plans for them. They had secretly rented a beach house and revealed the news to their respective sons, which shocked both of them at first before running towards their parents with hugs and words of gratification. They text the news to Hector and Claire, and asked if the twins would want to come with them since their parents said they could bring the possums with them. But the sad new was that their family had already had plans for them for the holidays.

"A beach house?" Claire exclaimed as her paws spread across her heart. "That was so wonderful. I'm already envious of both of you."

"Both of you can hit the beach while we're going back to our hometown to visit our granny," Hector groaned. "You guys are damn lucky."

"But on second thought, minus us twins, both of you have the room all by yourself."

"Make sure both of you stay quite then," Hector chuckled as the feline and the canine blushed furiously, unable to retaliate.

Up till now, after their meeting in Josh's room, nothing drastic had happened in school relating to the infamous trio and "faggots". They believed no one except the four of them knew their secret, hence relieving them of the trouble of having to watch their backs constantly. But the couple had been getting suspiscious eyes from a few furs, some were jocks, but none inquired about their relationships. Perhaps they thought that they were just being close buddies, Josh had hoped that the illusion maintained as long as it could, best until their graduation.

Right now, sitting in the blue minivan, Josh couldn't keep the smile of his face. He was going to a beach house with his family and his boyfriend (although Dan went to the beach house with his own family), it almost felt like a date, or honeymoon. The tiger immediately brush the later thought away. They weren't married, what was he thinking? Yet it felt good to have such creative imagination, if only that could happen...

"You certainly seemed content on sitting there and daydreaming," Megan said from the front, breaking his train of thoughts instantly.

"Mum, I'm trying to think of what we can do for one whole week there."

"There will be a lot of things for you to do, young man, so don't fret about it," Darren uttered as he glanced at the review mirror to look at his son.

"I'm not fretting," the young big cat protested.

"You do look extremely energetic, though," he laughed. "Reminds me of that time. Remember the last time he was in a great mood, dear?"

"And he caused a massive havoc in the house? Why, of course. It was so funny," she laughed out loud.

"Yeah, until now I couldn't help but laugh at the memory of it. We had to clean the whole house in the end and shut Josh in his own room to prevent another mess, right?"

"Dad, eyes on the road. And I was only six that time," he flushed at the memory he never wanted to recall.

"Alright, alright, we'll stop," Megan said, wiping the tears away from the corner of her eyes.

"Still, I don't get it. Where did you get the idea of having a vacation with Dan's family."

"Well, Aaron and I were chatting during lunch time, one topic leads to another and eventually it came to the holiday part. That was when he suggested that we had a holiday together. Well, technically I gave the basis idea of it and he got the whole thing. Regardless, after some calculations and discussion with your mum, we agreed that it was cheap, worthy, and you need some real outing with your family."

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