Chapter 11 |Confrontation

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It's been more than a week since Josh wished Dan happiness at the crossroad, and the tiger was still trying his best to avoid the wolf. He tried to decline hanging out with the group and avoid walking with Dan to school by making up excuses, although he would eventually have to to avoid any suspicion from his parents and friends. When the four did went out, the wolf tried to spark a conversation with him but the big cat would just say a few words and went silent. His change of attitude did not escape Hector and Claire's attention. They tried to ask him out of him, but Josh remained secretive of the reason his relationship with Josh drifted off.

"Josh, if you do not tell us what is wrong between you and Dan, we'll just keep pestering you non-stop," Hector threatened him in the hallway with his sister beside her after school.

"Josh, we're just trying to help you," Claire added. "Can't you tell us what was going on between both of you. You were best buddies before this and now you've been avoiding him, a lot. Even Dan doesn't really understand anything, and he's dying to find out what had he done to upset you."

"It's nothing, really. I'm just being busy, that's all," that was all that Josh would say, but the stubborn possum wouldn't give up.

"Bullshit, I know you're not that busy. Just tell us already."

"I already told you, he was not doing anything to upset me. I was just distracted, that's all," he replied nonchalantly. "I'm sorry, but I really need to go now. Goodbye."

With that said, he walked out of the school, leaving Hector red faced and his fur bristling. Claire just shook her head and sighed, disappointed of their current situation.

Dan had watched the scene playing over and over again from behind. He clenched his fist, having enough of it.

The lupine came up with a plan to confront with Josh. But he'll need help, and he know just the right fur.

Or furs, to be exact.

"Umm, Josh, are you free this evening?" Claire asked Josh when they were in the cafeteria.

"Why you ask?"

" Well, you see, I, err, I-"

"What she's trying to say is she's getting fat and needs some exercise," Hector interjected, and Claire's nodded briefly before she fully registered the words and was about to protest when her twin just raised a paw to stop her. "So I was wondering if you want to join with us for a jog today, if you're free of course."

The feline considered his offer before taking a quick glance at a grey wolf who was sitting in front of him chewing his lunch.

"What about Dan, isn't he coming?"

"Sorry, I got plans for today, so I'll have to back off," he simply said.

"That's what he said when we asked him before he went to class." Hector sighed a bit.

Josh skimmed over his plan of the day in his mind and checked there was nothing going on for him. Eventually, he nodded in agreement and the twins smiled. What he missed, though, was the real reason behind the smile they conjured.

Once he got home, the big cat told Megan about his outing with his friends and she just gave a small smile.

"Have fun then," she told him, and meant it. She noticed that her son wasn't really happy lately, but she believed that he would told her his problem when he was ready.

Five o'clock, at the entrance of Whitley Park. That was where the twin possums had told him to wait. He looked around, it had been a while since he was here. The park was considered to be big, with a playground in the middle and tracks around it about two miles for furs to walk, cutting into a miniature fur-made forest that was just off the side of the playground. There were a few young furs playing with the equipments, and parents that were chatting with each other at benches nearby, and some furs jogging along the concrete track.

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