Chapter 32 |Plan

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Hey, everyone. Twintail's here again. No, nothing hot and exotic in this chapter. Not yet anyway, ha ha. Anyway, on top is spoilers alert! Enjoy! Votes, comments are much appreciated!

"Why am I here again?" the bovine asked Josh and Dan for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"You are here to hang out and interact with us, Hugh," the wolf groaned as he took a seat on the polished wooden bench in Hotcake. He wasn't the only one getting tired of his complains.

"Then, why do you have to invite Ian, of all furs?" Hugh started to pace around in nervousness, his tail lashing behind him. "I don't mind hanging out with you here, I can drive anyway. But why didn't you tell me that Ian was going to come. I could have dress better than, this!" By this he meant stripped polo shirt that fitted him well, dark brown jeans and red sneakers.

"Hugh, if told you that Ian was going to come, you might refuse to come in the first place and our friend had managed to come up with this idea so that both of you can get to know each other better," Josh went in front of him in an attempt to coax his anxiety. "Besides, you dressed up just fine."

"Even if you said that, what are we supposed to talk about?"

"We'll try to think of something when it comes to that," Dan answered, which further depressed him, so he quickly added. "Don't worry, you're not going to be alone with him, unless you wanted to."

The wolf said the last part while waggling his eyebrows, making the big fur's cheek redden considerably.

After waiting for another few minutes, the trio spotted Hector, Claire, Lars and Ian coming towards their direction.

"Hey, guys, you're a bit late, you know?" Dan chuckled as they approached them.

"Sorry about that, I almost forgot to pick up Ian, so I had to take a detour." Lars scratched the back of his head in awkwardness.

"Not my fault," Hector shrugged. "Sis is taking hell of her time in front of the mirror, saying she needs to look good in front of-" he stopped abruptly and his sneering countenance was replaced with one of pain and suffering.

"Really, brother? Do I have to remind you when to be quiet?" Claire was being awfully calm. But a slight shift of the tiger's position revealed that the female possum was pinching his brother's side not in a gentle way, her purse had hidden her action from others except for Josh.

"Well, it was a coincidence that we met at the entrance, isn't it?" Ian said, unaware of what was transpiring between the twins.

"Yeah, never thought that I could bump into my girlfriend just like that, right?" Lars went to warp an arm around Claire's shoulders, grinning slightly too much to make this merely an act.

Luckily, the possum tolerated the action, although his brother and best friends knew that Lars was standing at the very shore of her limit.

Just then, he lupine caught Hugh staring intently at his crush. Dan wondered what could have caught the attention of the big fur. The snow leopard was wearing a red hoddie with navy blue sleeves, a pair of brownish-yellow khaki pants and black sports shoes. Nothing unusual.

Then it hit him that Hugh was doing what he had done before he was officially with his boyfriend. He would often gaze dreamily at Josh in class before the teacher entered, during their hang out when they played bowling or eating, and other times when he wasn't doing anything. But they were often interrupted by external force, and the worst thing that could happen in the current state was Ian catching the bovine looking at him in such a way.

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