Chapter 3 |Introduction

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"So, what brings you here, Dan?" Hector asked with his mouth full of marsh potato.

"Well, my dad got transferred to another company here, so my whole family moved across the state and, here am I."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Claire inquired before biting into her salad that she purchased in the school.

"Well, I do have a little sister, her name's Grace. She's in primary school, though, so you're not going to see her here." Dan replied.

"I see. How about your previous school, is it good?"

"It's good, kinda miss my old friends, though. But still glad I could get away from some of the furs."

"You mean bullies?" Josh wondered aloud.

Dan looked at him as if he was a psychic that had just read his mind. The tiger's ears flatten and he warped his tail protectively around his waist.

"Sorry," he muttered, as though he had invaded the lupine's privacy.

"No worries, you right, actually. I've got quite a few problems with the bullies back at my old school. But I fought back, and managed to survive."

"Really? That's good then, because you do not want to get into trouble by those guys," Claire subtly pointed in the direction of the jocks. "Anyway, what did you do back in your old school to be their target?"

"Umm..." Dan glanced at anything else but their eyes, frowning.

"Oh, it's fine if you don't want to tell us. We've just met, anyway," she tried to coax him. Dan just glanced at them with a sad smile.

"Well, okay then," he said, triangular ears flatten then he mumbled. "Not like you would understand, anyway."

The twins might not have heard him mutter last part, but the tiger's ears perked up as he caught those faint words. He thought about what it really meant but decided that could wait for some other time, seeing that Dan felt uncomfortable talking about it.

"Alright, enough about me. Tell me about you guy," he said before taking a bite from his burritos.

"Well, as you now, me and my brothers are twins," she started."I'm the smart one and he is more on the athletic one."

"Hey, I'm smart to, sis," he pouted like a child would do, then he continued. "Anyway, I'm good in swimming. Been doing so since I was young and loved it until now and forever."

"Really? Wow, explains why you look so lean and muscular," Dan said while nodding his head.

"Thanks," Hector blushed.

"I'm not really into sports myself, but I do jog at the nearby park back in my old place."

"Well, there's a park close to the school. The perimeter is quite big, so you can go there and give it a try." Claire suggested.

"Thanks, I'll go there and try it out."

"Good. Now back to the topic, our father is an electronic engineer while our mother is teaching at Starlit Primary."

"She does, that means she might be teaching my sister too! I got to ask her when I get home."

"We'll see about that."

"And that's all from us. Now's your turn bro," Hector said while gesturing at Josh.

"M-me?" he stammered. Why the hell did I spoke like that, he silently cursed himself. "Well, I-"

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