Chapter 12: The Finer Things

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Jenna POV

I walked into the house and bumped into Lynn. She was walking with a huge smile on her face. She looked up at me and started jumping up and down.

"Where have you been little love bird?" Lynn winked at me.

"I dropped Tay off at her house," I mumbled. I didn't know how she would react to my thing with Tay.

"Ah, good. I'm glad you and her are open to doing the things," Lynn winked.

"It doesn't bother you?" I asked.

"Hey, she likes you more than me. Her happiness is the important thing. You make her happy then go for it. Just means I can kiss more cuties without the commitment," Lynn said and nudged me.

I laughed then grabbed her arm. "Okay, good because I need your help and bad," I said.

"What's up? Finally gonna let me choose your clothes and get you looking not like a 50's teen drug dealer?"

"Ouch, I look good no matter what I wear."

"Mhm, so what do you want?"

"I need you to help me buy clothes for Tay's dad's business event thingy," I pouted.

"Ah, what time is it at?" Lynn asked.


"Ah, well get the fuck back in the car because we don't have much time and we're gonna need as much as we can get," Lynn said.

"Ughhhhh, fine. Let's go," I said and stepped back outside.


"So it's business-y, semi formal, stuff like that right?" Lynn asked me.

"Yup, but you know I want to be at least somewhat comfortable," I said.

"Cool, so I'll just dress you like me in tons of black. Because you know you can't go wrong with black in anything," she said and started to lead me into one of the stores I hardly go into.

"Look, we'll get you your favorite thing in the world, black jeans. But they'r e going to be so black they won't look like jeans. As for the rest, well you'll leave that to me," Lynn winked and started to pick out tons of clothes.

I sighed and followed her around, carrying everything she threw at me. I had so many shirts and jackets and pants that I could open up my own clothing store. It was completely crazy but I can't complain, I asked Lynn for help. In all honesty, she does have a pretty good fashion sense. It can be a bit not my style but overall I really like it. I'm more of a dress for comfort type of person. I mean, if I'm going to chase people down and get into fights I have got to be comfortable and mobile.

"Okay, here I'm gonna separate things into outfits and you go and try them on," Lynn said as she started to hand me the first ensemble.

"Cue the clothes trying montage," I sighed and walked into the dressing room.

I have to admit, all the outfits were very well put together, but god they weren't me. There was one with this neon yellow shirt that just screamed "I rave and do lots of ecstasy" and I didn't think that was appropriate. Other than that nothing was really good for me. The clothes were either too weird or not comfortable. It wasn't until about the sixth outfit in. It was a loose white blouse with a scoop neck, a nice black blazer type jacket that was a slim fit on me. The sleeves reached about three quarters up my arm and had nice gold buttons on the ends, along with a gold button to close the jacket. The jeans were a very dark black pair. Lynn was right, they were so dark they didn't even look like jeans. It looked good, it felt good too.

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