Chapter 9: Where Do I Stand?

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Well, shit. Things were a lot better than I thought they would be, for about two minutes. After that, everything just went weird again. Jenna made a complete 180 and I was left standing out there wondering what the hell I did wrong now. At least I have Lynn, she made me smile and feel comfortable again. While she's setting up, she's turning over to me and giving me little winks or making funny faces. It really is comforting to have her to level the whole Jenna bull shit. I don't even know why I care so much. I mean, we did just hardcore make out at my house, but I've made out with other people before, so what's different now? I don't know. I feel like I need to get my mind off of everything.

"Tay, relax. You're so fucking uptight. Just enjoy that your pretend gf is playing," Jack said from next to me.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"I have said too much," Jack swallowed.

"You really have," Alex scolded his boyfriend before looking at me.

"Just have fun. This is Lynn's first show, support her," he shook my shoulder and took a drink of his coke.

He was right. I love these shows, especially when my friends play. I should just enjoy it and enjoy Lynn's company. I started to relax and leaned against the always quiet Zack. He wrapped his arm protectively around me and started telling me about his time at the skate park yesterday. While I listened to his story about ollies and kickflips, I caught some type of encounter in the middle of the venue. The one and only Jenna seemed to be chatting with this gorgeous girl I had never seen before. She genuinely made me self-conscious, that's how good look looking the girl is. Jenna kept smirking until she got the girl to sit by next to her and her boys. All of them were looking at Jenna with looks of amazement and disbelief, probably because they wanted the new girl. I stared at Jenna a bit too long, my mind trying to find what the hell this stupid emotion I was feeling actually is. When I say too long, I really meant too long. By the time I came to my senses, my guys were already here and Lynn, Babs, and Brian were ready to start.

"Hey guys, we're a little band called PVRIS. This is our first show and we're honored to debut with such beautiful people like you," Lynn said into her mic. I clapped and cheered along with everyone else.

"This song is about someone you may all know. She's here tonight but she's probably in the bathroom on her knees, and it isn't prayers that are in her mouth like she always claims are. This song is called Holy," Lynn said with a smirk and the room filled with laughs. We knew exactly who she was talking about.

I looked around and tried to see if I spotted her. Lynn was right, she wasn't around here but I knew she was here because I saw her earlier. Jordan noticed me looking around and while Lynn and the guys started playing a nice synth beat.

"She's outside in the alleyway sucking off Josh," he said with a laugh.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"We saw them when we got here," Mike chimed in.

I laughed and leaned back into Zack. I was losing myself in PVRIS, their sound was great and the lyrics were pretty meaningful. My gaze hovered back across the venue to see Jenna and the new girl getting very snuggly. She had her arm around new girl and they were getting pretty close and flirty. I instinctively scrunched up my nose because the realization that she was that close to me just a few hours ago. It made my stomach turn a bit. In my state of discomfort, Jenna turned to me and gave me a stupid smirk and a teasing wink. She fucking knows what she's doing, she's doing it on fucking purpose. Alright, I see how it fucking is. All she wanted was to get me in bed, all that being awkward and the "I don't know what you do to me" was all planned bull shit. Well whatever. We're only going to finish this damn project and then I'm never going to see her again.

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