Chapter 2: Making It Fun

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Jenna POV

I was not in the fucking mood. I was stuck working with the fucking Anti-Christ if I wanted to get out of this shit hole. I walked into my English class and sat behind Lynn. She was looking at me with this strained look on her face. I sighed and motioned for her to let me hear it. She burst out laughing out loud. It lasted a while, and it was somewhat annoying. Alex sat next to us and so did Brian. They looked at Lynn with a weird face and Lynn finally stopped. She looked at the guys and smiled.

"Ms. Jones just fucked Jenna. She's stuck working on the final chemistry project with Jardine. If they don't pass they won't graduate," Lynn said through her fit of giggles.

The news made both guys burst out laughing as well. I rolled my eyes and let them laugh for a bit. When I decided I heard enough I snapped my fingers and shut them up. They looked at me with little smirks. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Better wipe off those smirks from your faces," I threatened.

Lynn started laughing. "You may scare everyone else, but I know you a bit better than that Jen, Jen." She pinched my cheek and laughed more.

Fucking Lynn. She's my best friend and the only one who actually knows me in this school, besides my main mates that already graduated. I met Lynn a year and a half back when I first moved here. We met at this record shop downtown. We were looking at the same section and ended up really hitting it off. She told me about the school and about Queen Taylor. Ah, Tay, the very reason this place sucks. If she wasn't here, I'm pretty sure this place would be perfect. She's always sassing me and being annoying, but I can tell I get under her skin as well. It's always a good day when I can get her to stomp off fuming mad. I always fucking knew you loved annoying me. Oi, love. This is my part of the story. But now I have to work with her in order to graduate and be able to live my dreams. Yeah, I have dreams. Just because I'm reckless and don't give a fuck doesn't mean I don't have ambitions.

I sat through the rest of my English class before realizing I have Tay for that class too and she wasn't there. Not like Ms. Perfect to ditch class. If this is when she's going to start rebelling then I'm fucking screwed. I need her to be focused on this shit. I guess I'm going to have to pay her a little visit and bring her home or something so we can get shit straight. I keep running my hands through my hair, the one giveaway that something is biting at me. Lynn looked at me curiously, knowing that I was worrying. Unfortunately she'd be questioning me about it now since it is lunch time.

We started heading out to the cafeteria so the jokesters could get their lunch. While they went into the lines, I was leaning against the wall with my hands in my pockets. I watched everyone walk through the big room. They were all either laughing or talking. I was analyzing all the faces until I came to Taylor. She and I made brief eye contact until she looked away and walked off in the opposite direction. I shook my head and punched the wall behind me. Lynn came up behind me with her slice of pizza in hand and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me out the door. She threw my against the wall, the whole time making sure her pizza was secure in her hand.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You dented the fucking wall and now your knuckles are bleeding! You're lucky I got out when I did. Fucking Wilson was already coming towards the thud." She was pacing back and forth, again, keeping her pizza safe in her hands.

I looked down at my hand and she was right, there was red gooey blood dripping from cuts on my knuckles. I shook my head and ran my other hand through my hair. Lynn looked at me with concern then took my hand and used her napkin to apply pressure on my knuckles.

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