20. Halloween Party

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I finished decorating the spider cupcakes. I threw all of the plastic fake eyeballs in the kitchen sink, I poured dish soap in the sink and filled it with water. After I was done washing them, I took a clean dish towel and dried the individually and tossed them into the fake blood punch. Today was a special milestone in Summer's life she was already four months old. It was so hard to believe, but there is definitely one thing I didn't miss, and that was when she couldn't sleep through the night. It was amazing how much sleep I could get and still be physically and emotionally drained.

I finished preparing for the first ever party I have ever thrown. I began looking around the house for Summer and Luke. I turned the corner as a figure popped out in a freaky costume. Without any thought or hesitation my foot jumped up in between the figure's legs as I kicked the figure in a place any man would consider a crime. The figure collapsed to the ground.

"Holy mother of Earth!" He cried in pain as he collapsed to the ground. "Jane! What the hell?" He shouted in agony.

"Luke?" I asked pulling off the mask, he looked at me with a pained, angry expression.

"Go get me a little bit of ice." He asked weakly attempting to sit up. "Make that a lot of ice." He requested while groaning in pain.I walked into the kitchen and filled a gallon zip lock bag with ice and handed it to him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you. On the bright side you probably won't need to use a condom anymore." I chuckled.

He looked at me furiously in response.

"Too soon?" I guessed at his unpleasant response to my joke.

"YOU THINK!" He shouted angrily.

"I'm just gonna go......" I trailed off.

"Thank you, you go do that now." He shoved me away.

I walked down the hallway into the nursery only to find Summer awakened from her nap. She rubbed her tired little eyes softly. I picked out her costume from inside of her closet. I drew black little whiskers on her rosey, pink, chubby cheeks. I outlined a cute little pink buttoned nose over her own. I fastened the grey costume onesie over her diaper and through her tiny little arms and feet. I placed the little half circle ears on her little head. I looked at our contrasting costumes in the mirror while I was holding her. I carried her out to Luke as the doorbell rang. I answered the door as Lucy stood behind it with her little brady bunch.

"Oh my goodness, how adorable are you two." She yelled in awe.

"Hey mommy look it! It's a kitty and a mouse." Lucy's daughter pointed at me and Summer enthusiastically.

"Thank you so much. Are you a?"

"Kangaroo!" She grinned.

"You look great." I complemented.

"Thank you so much?" She smiled rubbing her baby bump. The doorbell rang for more visitors. I ran to go answer it I pulled the door open and in poured the neighbourhood and their little rascals. The party went on for hours there was a movie, dinner, apple bobbing, pumpkin monsters and trick or treating. Everyone in the neighborhood expressed how cute Summer was and how nice the party was. Since Summer was too young to actually eat the candy that she received at the end of the night, Luke and I being the best guardians did took the liberty in eating the candy for her.

We walked Lucy and her kids to the front door, they were exhausted.

"I know we just meet and all but you seem very nice. I feel like we might be fast friends. My husband is coming back for a few days and he wanted to take me up North for a couple of days. Any chance that you and Luke can watch my kids overnight?" She asked.

"Um sure why not?" I stood in the doorway.

" Thank you so much Jane you're a lifesaver." She praised before walking next door with her kids. Luke and I layed passed out on the couch from overeating. Luke and I stared at me.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"Lucy asked if we can watch her kids tomorrow night." I explained.

"What did you say?" He asked in a worried tone.

"I said we could." I confessed.

"Jane...." He sighed.

"It's just a few kids around their bedtime. How hard could it be Luke?"

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